Holy Rosary Regional Catholic School, Plymouth Meeting, is planning for Catholic Schools Week by arranging with the seven parishes who support Holy Rosary Regional’s students so that the students (in uniform) can attend their parish’s Masses the week prior, Jan. 19-20, to hand out “thank you” notes to the parishioners for their continued support of the school. The notes will also include an invitation to the school’s open house on Jan. 27.
Other events planned for the week include:
Sunday, Jan. 27
Open House, 1-3 p.m., with book fair continuing until Thursday, Jan. 31.
Monday, Jan. 28
Coffee and danish for Holy Rosary volunteers at 10 a.m. followed by Mass at 11 with flowers and “thank you” notes handed out after communion to school volunteers.
In the afternoon, school children will be decorating and bagging goods for the needy that will have been collected prior to that date in conjunction with Outreach Bag Project, a program of archdiocesan Nutritional Development Services.
Wednesday, Jan. 30
Vocation/Career Day — Grades K-3 visit Epiphany of Our Lord Church and learn all the parts of the church and Mass; grades 4-8 will hear Career/Vocation volunteers in each classroom for 15-20 minute talks, including priests, servicemen, firefighters, etc.
Thursday, Jan. 31
Student Appreciation Day — Dress Down Day, HASA activity, free ice cream and no homework
Friday, Feb. 1
Faculty Appreciation Day — Thank you luncheon.
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