
A Catholic’s to-do list before marriage by Methodist pastor

Father Ken Doyle answers a Catholic man's question before his wedding, including pre-Cana preparation and the Catholic blessing.

The pope’s Ellis Island moment at the U.S.-Mexico border

Pope Francis prayed for people, living and dead, crossing the border at a city across the river from El Paso, Texas, and for compassionate hearts on both sides, writes Father Gus Puleo.

Being human: Pope Francis delights many, frustrates some

The pope is human. Pope Francis demonstrated that in Mexico, as he does wherever he goes, and most people find it attractive. Most of the time. He's called the "pope of surprises," but there are people who don't like surprises.

In Zika outbreak, contraceptives may be ‘lesser evil,’ pope says

"Abortion is not a lesser evil -- it's a crime," Pope Francis said. It is the deliberate taking of an innocent human life. "It's an absolute evil. Don't confuse avoiding pregnancy with abortion," the pope said.

Service, sacrifice and today’s virus attacking both

The easy life is not the happy life; the life of service is, writes Jesuit Father William Byron. He believes Lent is a good time for faithful people to show how sacrifice is a sure path to the good life for all Americans.

Justice Scalia: A man for the people

The death of Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia diminishes by one strong voice our commitment to constitutional democracy -- resolving issues by laws, not by court rulings -- writes John Garvey.

Take time for the things that inspire you

When you don't take care of yourself -- sleeping, exercising, relaxing, eating right -- the people who love you are only getting the burnt-out version of yourself, not the best, writes Chris Stefanick. Watch his video.

See the links between spirituality, the environment and Lent

See our package of three reflections focusing on the model of St. Francis and probing the question, how can we listen for the voice of God in creation, and protect what he created?

After guilty plea, Phila. priest sentenced to 20 years in prison

Father Mark Haynes received his jail term plus a fine and 10 years' probation Feb. 17 in a federal court in Philadelphia on charges of child pornography. He had pleaded guilty last June following his arrest in 2014.

That hammering sound? It’s the Psalms, bending hearts to God’s mercy

Michelle Francl-Donnay's travel woes were a mild trial compared to some, but whether it's refugees on the run or Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, divine mercy endures amidst difficulties -- forever.