Posted April 5, 2016
Catholics celebrating the Second Sunday of Easter, April 3, came together to worship at St. Maron Church in South Philadelphia. The Maronite Catholic parish, led by the pastor, Father Vincent Farhat, is a place of worship for many Christians who hail from various countries in the Middle East. Many of them are of course Maronite Rite Catholics, an ancient rite centered in Lebanon and surrounding areas that has been in communion with the Holy See from its foundation. Read more about the people of the St. Maron community, rooted in the lands of the Middle East, here. (Photos by Sarah Webb)
Father Vincent Farhat offers a final blessing at the liturgy.
Mina and Costa Mansour
Peter Akkari
Father Vincent Farhat, pastor of St. Maron Parish, incenses the church.
From the choir loft, Paul Semaan fills the church with his voice.
Nahi Rai blesses herself before reading during Mass.
Philip Rai lectors at Mass at St. Maron Church in South Philadelphia.
During Mass at St. Maron Church in Philadelphia, Christelle Matar lets her father know she is being quiet.
Therese Tayoun
Father Vincent Farhat
Katie Akkari receives holy Communion from Father Vincent Farhat.
Father Vincent Farhat distributes holy Communion to Alice Raai.
Father Vincent Farhat blesses Jacob Sudano as his mother Rola Dakour prepares to receive holy Communion.
Mary Solloum and Suzanne Tavani sing along with the faithful.
Father Vincent Farhat incenses the altar at St. Maron Church in South Philadelphia.
Father Vincent Farhat incenses the congregation.
Nick Dib and Joe Sholy
Carol, Ricardo and Camille Baaklini
Fran DiCarlo and Anne Tayoun Dallegero
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