Back in 2008, in the weeks leading up to the Obama-McCain presidential election, two young men visited me in Denver. They were from Catholics United, a group describing itself as committed to social justice issues. They voiced great concern at the manipulative skill of Catholic agents for the Republican Party. And they hoped my brother bishops and I would resist identifying the Church with single-issue and partisan (read: abortion) politics.
It was an interesting experience. Both men were obvious flacks for the Obama campaign and the Democratic Party — creatures of a political machine, not men of the Church; less concerned with Catholic teaching than with its influence. And presumably (for them) bishops were dumb enough to be used as tools, or at least prevented from helping the other side.
Yet these two young men not only equaled but surpassed their Republican cousins in the talents of servile partisan hustling. Thanks to their work, and activists like them, American Catholics helped to elect an administration that has been the most stubbornly unfriendly to religious believers, institutions, concerns and liberty in generations.
I never saw either young man again. The cultural damage done by the current White House has — apparently — made courting America’s bishops unnecessary.
But bad can always get worse. I’m thinking, of course, of the contemptuously anti-Catholic emails exchanged among members of the Clinton Democratic presidential campaign team and released this week by WikiLeaks. A sample: Sandy Newman, president of Voices for Progress, emailed John Podesta, now the head of Hillary Clinton’s campaign, to ask about whether “the bishops opposing contraceptive coverage” could be the tinder for a revolution. “There needs to be a Catholic Spring, in which Catholics themselves demand the end of a middle ages [sic] dictatorship,” Newman writes.
Of course, Newman added, “this idea may just reveal my total lack of understanding of the Catholic church, the economic power it can bring to bear against nuns and priests who count on it for their maintenance.” Still, he wondered, how would one “plant the seeds of a revolution”? John Podesta replied that “We created Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good to organize for a moment like this . . . likewise Catholics United” (emphasis added).
Another Clinton-related email, from John Halpin of the Center for American Progress, mocks Catholics in the so-called conservative movement, especially converts: “They must be attracted to the systematic thought and severely backwards gender relations and must be totally unaware of Christian democracy.” In a follow-up, he adds “They can throw around ‘Thomistic’ thought and ‘subsidiarity’ and sound sophisticated because no one knows what . . . they’re talking about.”
On the evening these WikiLeaks emails were released, I received the following angry email myself, this one from a nationally respected (non-Catholic) attorney experienced in Church-state affairs:
“I was deeply offended by the [Clinton team] emails, which are some of the worst bigotry by a political machine I have seen. [A] Church has an absolute right to protect itself when under attack as a faith and Church by civil political forces. That certainly applies here …
“Over the last eight years there has been strong evidence that the current administration, with which these people share values, has been very hostile to religious organizations. Now there is clear proof that this approach is deliberate and will accelerate if these actors have any continuing, let alone louder, say in government.
“These bigots are actively strategizing how to shape Catholicism not to be Catholic or consistent with Jesus’ teachings, but to be the ‘religion’ they want. They are, at the very core, trying to turn religion to their secular view of right and wrong consistent with their politics. This is fundamentally why the Founders left England and demanded that government not have any voice in religion. Look where we are now. We have political actors trying to orchestrate a coup to destroy Catholic values, and they even analogize their takeover to a coup in the Middle East, which amplifies their bigotry and hatred of the Church. I had hoped I would never see this day — a day like so many dark days in Eastern Europe that led to the death of my [Protestant minister] great grandfather at the hands of communists who also hated and wanted to destroy religion.”
Of course it would be wonderful for the Clinton campaign to repudiate the content of these ugly WikiLeaks emails. All of us backward-thinking Catholics who actually believe what Scripture and the Church teach would be so very grateful.
In the meantime, a friend describes the choice facing voters in November this way: A vulgar, boorish lout and disrespecter of women, with a serious impulse control problem; or a scheming, robotic liar with a lifelong appetite for power and an entourage riddled with anti-Catholic bigots.
In a nation where “choice” is now the unofficial state religion, the menu for dinner is remarkably small.
Who is deplorable now . I have experienced in my short lifetime the struggle we face as families struggle with all that goes with trying to raise a family in a safe neighborhood , provide health care , education , spend time to implant family values into our kids etc . It takes jobs that are leaving our country componded by immigrants coming and competing for the jobs that are left . When you add the fact that our family size is reduced our culture is being replaced , the same culture that attracted imigrants to begin with. By the time our children are able to start a family they have a 100k education mortgage in place of a home .
Thank you Archbishop Chaput for placing this on FaceBook. I hope that this weekend at all the Masses our priests will discuss your comments regarding the leaked emails. I was never a fan of Donald Trump but since we have no one else running who could possibly beat Hillary Clinton at the Polls, I will vote for him and pray that God will bless our country with a leader who respects life.
This has been 50 plus years in the making. There hasn’t been a pro family Bill passed or progressive workers rights advance in as long a time. The only thing we can do is begin by bringing politics close to home and hammer our reps with our concerns. Sooner or later the message gets through. But the trust problem began with the 100 year old Monkey Trial which permitted schools to teach evolution. My advice is to publicly and loudly reject progressive media, because this hits them right in the wallet. We also need to partner more with Jewish congregations locally to stress our common virtues.
Thank you Your Excellency! May the Saints preserve us.
I think you missed one great point. How about voting for the one who is pro-life as opposed to the one who is pro-death. As a woman, I think the choice is very clear.
Bravo, Your Excellency..
The Knights may not discuss politics during our meetings, but we are unashamedly PRO-LIFE. So we know where to stand and how to vote. Thank you Archbishop for the reminder.
Vivat Jesus!
Actually, the election is between someone who will put in pro-life judges and the other who will put in anti-life judges. I’m voting for the package deal that includes the pro-life judges.
Archbishop, I chose to come to the diocesan site rather than respond to the New Advent or Catholic Register sites since the comments there were so unbelievably uncatholic! I am sorry, but not surprised, that you did not receive the red hat. Sadly, the choices reflect the “let’s all be nice” trend that is also reflected in the not so nice comments to your article. Cardinal George was quite prophetic in his “I will die in bed, my successor will die in jail (but not the current one I’ll bet!), etc.”
Hopefully you will continue to have the courage to follow the magisterium and encourage the laity to LEARN the faith – the real, true, faith! The dumbing down of the past 40 years, and the cumbaya attitude is coming home to roost.
We who have been and are currently truly faithful to the magisterium are desperately in need of leaders – especially Bishops- who will speak out and risk the backlash of our current greatly deluded society. My own parish and diocese have yet to even mention the election or the topics that should govern a Catholic re voting. And I don’t think I will live long enough to see Bishops and clergy with the guts to deny communion to Catholics openly espousing contraception, abortion, same sex unions, and on and on and on, to say nothing of toleration gay priests who openly celebrate “gay” everything and teach their congregations to do likewise.
Personally, I have chosen to vote for ego over evil, and pray that this experience has opened his eyes and his heart to realize he cannot do all he says on his own. He needs God to lead him, not just God’s followers to vote for him.
And we need you and others in the hierarchy to help us compassionately Stand for absolute Truth in the face of a society the will Fall for Anything fashionable!
God bless and Mary Keep you close!
Seems to me a bishop remarked that he expected to die in his bed but that his successor would die a martyr!
Let’s hope Cardinal George didn’t wish bad luck on soon-to-be Cardinal Cupich with that remark. Hopefully, Cardinal Cupich dies peacefully in bed after a long and rich life.
Your Excellency,
Couldn’t you come out and say voting for a pro-abortion candidate should prevent a person from worthily receiving Holy Communion until they repent and confess their sin? Surely, it must be a mortal sin to vote that way for the purpose of sustaining illegal abortion. Shouldn’t it also be a mortal sin if a person votes for a pro-abortion candidate knowing they support abortion and so called same-sex marriage?
Wikileaks email provide a textbook example of Pope Benedict XVI’s Dictatorship of Moral Relativism. Sandy Newman’s “spring” already happened; it’s called the sexual revolution. It has produced nothing but dead and wounded. Catholic doctrine is its antidote. One understands the Establishment minions’ Zen solution of just selling the revolution’s teaching as that of the true Catholic believer’s, but for some strange reason the nagging suspicion remains that such “faithful” are but a fifth column who serve as props to spin the persecution of the sexually moral into a “liberation” narrative. Be free… to do what the Elites say.
The Church always knew and warned that the evils rebranded as “Women’s rights” are for conquered peoples; we won’t get out from under the oligarchs’ oppression until we do too.
Thank you Archbishop Chaput, this proves there are still faithful clergy in our church. We will pray for you and for all of those, who like you, remain truly faithful and not afraid to speak the truth of our One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Faith! May Our Lady of the Rosary (Victories) watch over you and continue to keep your mind clear in the midst of so much confusion. God Bless You!
I in good conscience can not vote for either.
Then go ahead and waste your vote, instead of helping the Church. God gave your that freedom. Your response assumes we’re in the primaries. You’re down to two choices. There are stark differences in the policies between Hillary and Trump. It doesn’t even come close. If your conscience wants to focus on words, not actions, on words instead of policy positions each plans to implement, then you’ll become part of the problem by your, in effect, abstaining for voting. Think about it, helping the poor with a robust economy, appointing judges who respect the Constitution, voting pro-life, repealing the Johnson Act, making progress in school choice to conquer poverty through education, doing away with Obamacare and the HHS mandate that forces us to pay for abortions in Obamacare, strong foreign policy to help stabilize the Middle East that will also help protect our Christian brothers there who are in the victims a genocide, lowering the tax burden on families that just keeps growing, shrinking the size of government that helps save you needless taxes and helps us all prosper, etc. etc. It doesn’t even come close as to the policies either candidate promises to implement. A well-formed conscience builds society and the Church. Uninformed or deformed consciences corrupt societies and cultures. Christ is the answer. We must order society according to Gospel values, and we have a moral obligation to vote for the lesser evil at election time. I’ve been voting for the lesser evil all my life. I’ve seldom seen a worthy candidate. This election is no different, yet the choice is very clear which candidate will do the most good. It doesn’t even come close.
Check out the American Solidarity Party and write Maturen and Muñoz in on your ballot.
You steer people to either not vote or vote third party by not accepting the cultural sinner, Donald J. Trump. He has promised fidelity to our religious freedoms and conscience freedoms. Yet, you will not accept his apology or letters of solidarity.
You will not state that DJT is clearly the better candidate to vote in. Better for our Church and better for our country.
I am not a Bishop and I respect you, but for decades there has been an absence of the harmful spiritual affects of contraception, abortion, acting homosexual activity, rampant divorce, premarital sex, premarital living arrangements, and SSM. Only a handful have made their voice heard by the faithful. W
The Democrats are trying to exploit the rejection of Humanae Vitae by laity to drive a wedge between them and the bishops. The goal clearly is political power.
As long as Catholics continue to reject Humanae Vitae, we will be weak and easily exploited.
It is beyond time that Catholics be taught Church teachings and be told they must form their consciences according to these teachings. Saying to “just follow your conscience” is inadequate.
When we live moral lives of integrity we will vote for the candidate the most supports those beliefs.
Humanae Vitae needs to be embraced.
Thank you, Archbishop Chaput, for speaking out as a leader of our Church. As a woman, my conscience dictates my dinner choice to be for the vulgar lout as opposed to the lying robot pro-abortion politician.
God bless you Archbishop
If you don’t know that the Catholic Church is under heavy attack (as in a war) by secularism, you need an expresso and wake up!
Religious Liberty and Freedom of Speech are not mutually exclusive. Everyone please share with everyone you know asap. The hidden veil has been lifted. Thank you Archbishop Chaput for your pastoral leadership. Your statement should be read from every pulpit in America this weekend (but will it?) Pace e Bene, Vivat Jesus!!!