Back in 2008, in the weeks leading up to the Obama-McCain presidential election, two young men visited me in Denver. They were from Catholics United, a group describing itself as committed to social justice issues. They voiced great concern at the manipulative skill of Catholic agents for the Republican Party. And they hoped my brother bishops and I would resist identifying the Church with single-issue and partisan (read: abortion) politics.
It was an interesting experience. Both men were obvious flacks for the Obama campaign and the Democratic Party — creatures of a political machine, not men of the Church; less concerned with Catholic teaching than with its influence. And presumably (for them) bishops were dumb enough to be used as tools, or at least prevented from helping the other side.
Yet these two young men not only equaled but surpassed their Republican cousins in the talents of servile partisan hustling. Thanks to their work, and activists like them, American Catholics helped to elect an administration that has been the most stubbornly unfriendly to religious believers, institutions, concerns and liberty in generations.
I never saw either young man again. The cultural damage done by the current White House has — apparently — made courting America’s bishops unnecessary.
But bad can always get worse. I’m thinking, of course, of the contemptuously anti-Catholic emails exchanged among members of the Clinton Democratic presidential campaign team and released this week by WikiLeaks. A sample: Sandy Newman, president of Voices for Progress, emailed John Podesta, now the head of Hillary Clinton’s campaign, to ask about whether “the bishops opposing contraceptive coverage” could be the tinder for a revolution. “There needs to be a Catholic Spring, in which Catholics themselves demand the end of a middle ages [sic] dictatorship,” Newman writes.
Of course, Newman added, “this idea may just reveal my total lack of understanding of the Catholic church, the economic power it can bring to bear against nuns and priests who count on it for their maintenance.” Still, he wondered, how would one “plant the seeds of a revolution”? John Podesta replied that “We created Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good to organize for a moment like this . . . likewise Catholics United” (emphasis added).
Another Clinton-related email, from John Halpin of the Center for American Progress, mocks Catholics in the so-called conservative movement, especially converts: “They must be attracted to the systematic thought and severely backwards gender relations and must be totally unaware of Christian democracy.” In a follow-up, he adds “They can throw around ‘Thomistic’ thought and ‘subsidiarity’ and sound sophisticated because no one knows what . . . they’re talking about.”
On the evening these WikiLeaks emails were released, I received the following angry email myself, this one from a nationally respected (non-Catholic) attorney experienced in Church-state affairs:
“I was deeply offended by the [Clinton team] emails, which are some of the worst bigotry by a political machine I have seen. [A] Church has an absolute right to protect itself when under attack as a faith and Church by civil political forces. That certainly applies here …
“Over the last eight years there has been strong evidence that the current administration, with which these people share values, has been very hostile to religious organizations. Now there is clear proof that this approach is deliberate and will accelerate if these actors have any continuing, let alone louder, say in government.
“These bigots are actively strategizing how to shape Catholicism not to be Catholic or consistent with Jesus’ teachings, but to be the ‘religion’ they want. They are, at the very core, trying to turn religion to their secular view of right and wrong consistent with their politics. This is fundamentally why the Founders left England and demanded that government not have any voice in religion. Look where we are now. We have political actors trying to orchestrate a coup to destroy Catholic values, and they even analogize their takeover to a coup in the Middle East, which amplifies their bigotry and hatred of the Church. I had hoped I would never see this day — a day like so many dark days in Eastern Europe that led to the death of my [Protestant minister] great grandfather at the hands of communists who also hated and wanted to destroy religion.”
Of course it would be wonderful for the Clinton campaign to repudiate the content of these ugly WikiLeaks emails. All of us backward-thinking Catholics who actually believe what Scripture and the Church teach would be so very grateful.
In the meantime, a friend describes the choice facing voters in November this way: A vulgar, boorish lout and disrespecter of women, with a serious impulse control problem; or a scheming, robotic liar with a lifelong appetite for power and an entourage riddled with anti-Catholic bigots.
In a nation where “choice” is now the unofficial state religion, the menu for dinner is remarkably small.
Perhaps many did not. Know that today, October 15, 2016, was the day that faithful Catholics
Across America, came together in public squares to pray the Rosary. for the most part we were
Ignored by the public. I can assure you that in Michigan the weather did not cooperate as it
Was windy, cool, and damp. Most of us came in winter clothes. But one thing we all knew
Is that only Heaven can change the course of history now. Satan was released to harass the
Church in the twentieth century and it seems the next century also since we did not turn away
I am looking past the persons to what either party supports in their platform. Then things become very clear and I recall scripture where Moses tells the people, this day I put before you blessing or curse, life or death, choose life… party and one candidate supports abortion (death). The other supports life. I am trusting that God will give those who choose life, the wisdom to make the right choices for our country. God will not bless the efforts of a godless country. Thank you for being a voice to the faithful. I am praying for all bishops to speak out forcefully.
There is another option! Check out Evan McMullin! He is prolife and pro religious liberty!
When given the choice of a Pro-Life lout or an anti-Catholic robot, I choose the lout. Choose Clinton at the peril of our entire country.
Thank you some much for the above message. I hope to hear some of the same at Mass this weekend.
God Bless You!
Catholics need to stand together to resist political brainwashing. They can’t get rid of us but perhaps they can mold our beliefs into conformity of thinking. Our churches need to hold workshops to make parishioners aware of what is happening as you are doing Bishop.
Archbishop Chaput what are we to do with this pitiful menu? It’s clear to me. Catholics can survive the temporary disorder and sadly neither candidate is really pro life so we have to elect the one with the most knowledge and experience. God save us!
Hillary says make your own choice when it comes to having children. Trump says I am against that kind of thinking. Who can you believe?
I think your editorial is bias and unworthy of you. I should elect a man who dehumanizes women! Doesn’t the church do the same? Women are really high up in the church and hold positions of regard. I don’t think so.
The political left fears Archbishop Chaput and would love nothing better than to neutralize him as a factor to be considered. It won’t work because the good archbishop possesses what the others do not: character and integrity.
You state that Hillary (and apparently Hillary alone) has an entourage riddled with anti-Catholic bigots. Donald Trump’s spokesperson, Katrina Pierson, made the following anti-Catholic statement and, to the best of my knowledge, has never apologized for it:
Moreover, have you completely forgotten Donald Trump’s attacks on Pope Francis? That’s not Trump’s entourage, that’s Trump himself.
Best to remember the Pope’s words: the statements that Trump made regarding immigration are not Christian.
This, my dear friends, is an example of information rather than entertainment (although he does manage to spin a bit of entertainment in their, but just enough.) Do we know the difference any more?
Excellent letter!
Only Good Catholics vote for candidates who are pro-life no matter what sins that person may have committed. Pro-Abortion candidates like Clinton should never be considered. If you are Democrat and Catholic you need to look at your Church’s teaching on life a little closer.
Well done, Archbishop Chaput! Thank you for this excellent piece.
Having read through these comments I was amazed that no one mentioned that we do have an excellent pro life candidate running as an Independent third party by the name of Evan McMullin. I encourage to take a few minutes to do this research. And I believe you will be hearing his name frequently as he is getting endorsements from many conservatives. Donald Trump is not a long time or a committed pro life individual, check his history.
Thank you for your words. I pray for the church and our country that the Lord will intercede when faced with such soridd choices and that Catholic families will commit to attending mass and the values of the church.
Thank you for your words. I pray for the church and our country that the Lord will intercede when faced with such sorid choices and that Catholic families will commit to attending mass and the values of the church.
Thank you, Your Excellency. If anyone was in doubt you clarified the “choice” to be made. Not happily, but with prayers, prayers, prayers.
Thank you for posting this. I am not a Catholic but I found those emails and the political maneuvering they implied to be very offensive.
The type of outdated bigotry masked as Christianity I’m reading in this message board is one of the primary reasons for the secularization of this country. I am proudly a Christian and will not be reduced to single-sided voting like many of you seem to be. This is narrow minded and neglects so much of the good that can be done in the world if we avoid this type of partisan nonsense. Although Hillary is who we think she is, I will proudly cast my vote for her over almost anyone the Republican party trots out and tries to cast as the right candidate for the racist GOP (God’s Own Party?). I believe in God…and science…and the separation of church and state. Some of you should consider this as well.
If Hillary is elected and stacks the Supreme Court, it will only be a matter of time before the government mandate comes down….. Perform gay marriage ceremonies or feel the full weight and wrath of the U S government.