Posted June 30, 2017
St. Bede the Venerable Parish in Holland, Bucks County, hosted a liturgy in observance of St. Pio of Pietrelcina, or Padre Pio, on June 25. It was the final day of a three-day Padre Pio Festival at the parish. After the Mass a public procession wound through the streets of the parish featuring relics of St. Pio and a statue carried by men, accompanied by music and the prayers of the people. (Photos by Sarah Webb)

People pray during Mass at St. Bede church on Sunday, June 25.

Franciscan Father Tom Betz preaches the homily during the 12:30 p.m. Mass at St. Bede Church during the Padre Pio Festival.

Grace Farrell attends Mass with her father Mitch and her family.

Mary Radford

Rev. Mr. Kyle Adamczyk proclaims the Gospel reading from the ambo, nearby a statue of Padre Pio that after the Mass was carried in procession through the streets.

Concelebrating the Mass along with Father Tom Betz, center, were St. Bede’s pastor, Msgr. John Marine, and other priests, assisted by permanent and transitional deacons.

Monika Rosengarten

Beatrice Ardovino and Dolores Labrum (left) pray the Lord’s Prayer during the Mass at St. Bede Church in Holland preceding a procession through the neighborhood.

Msgr. John Marine, pastor, distributes holy Communion at St. Bede the Venerable Church, Holland.

Deacons Kyle Adamczyk (left) and Quy Pham carry the relics of Padre Pio during the procession through the streets around St. Bede the Venerable Church in Holland.

Msgr. John Marine, pastor of St. Bede the Venerable Church, walks with the faithful including Knights of Columbus through the neighborhood for the Padre Pio Festival.

Saint Padre Pio – Pray for us.