As the Second Vatican Council taught, “the eucharistic sacrifice … is the fount and apex of the whole Christian life” (Lumen Gentium, 11). Part four of a seven-part series of articles and videos on the Mass from our partner Catholic News Service delves into the what Catholics say they believe — the Nicene Creed — and the deep mystery of the eucharistic prayer.
Ancient creed makes impact on contemporary world
The Nicene Creed recited at every Sunday Mass reminds believers of our core beliefs and, with its repeated “I believe” affirmations, challenges us to zero in today on faith’s foundations.
(See a related video.)
The eucharistic prayer — mystery made manifest
Instead of succumbing to the bewilderment of bread becoming Christ’s body, one should be drawn into a deeper relationship with God by understanding the words and parts that comprise the eucharistic prayer.
(See a related video.)
PREVIOUS: The eucharistic prayer: Culmination of mystery made manifest
NEXT: The Spirit moving through Scripture also moves in us today
Saying that “the eucharistic sacrifice … is the fount and apex of the whole Christian life” is different from saying that it is the peak of worship. It may be the peak of worship, but the apex of our whole Christian life is the Spirit of Christ within us. The sacraments associated with this are Baptism and Confirmation.