Bonney Dahlgren DosSantos, director of the St. Monica Eldercare Program, displays a service award she received at a May 30 celebration also attended by Officer Thomas Tolstoy (left) and Captain Lou Campione of the Philadelphia Police Department’s 1st District. DosSantos’s outreach is part of archdiocesan Catholic Housing and Community Services, which provides an array of senior supports throughout the area. (Courtesy of Bonney DosSantos)
An archdiocesan employee was recently recognized for her efforts to partner with police in serving residents of South Philadelphia.
Bonney Dahlgren DosSantos, who directs the St. Monica Eldercare Program (SMEP), received the Reverend Carmine DiBiase Clergy Award for Community Service during a May 30 event held at Galdo’s Restaurant in Philadelphia.
Named for the founder of The Church of Philadelphia, a Christian faith community at 17th Street and Snyder Avenue, the award is presented by the Philadelphia Police Department’s 1st District Advisory Council to a member of the local community who supports the district in its outreach while improving the neighborhood’s quality of life.
“Over the years, I have had numerous opportunities to collaborate with officers from the 1st District,” said DosSantos. “We have worked with one another in dealing with some difficult situations.”
She added that unit leader Captain Lou Campione and the district officers “are public servants in the truest sense of the word.”
Father Joseph Kelley, pastor of St. Monica Parish in Philadelphia, was on hand at the event, along with several of his parishioners and SMEP staff members.
As director of SMEP, DosSantos works to help older adults age safely in their homes.
Part of archdiocesan Catholic Housing and Community Services (CHCS), SMEP offers an array of short- and long-term services to registered members of St. Monica Parish.
Comprehensive care management, in-home safety assessments and referral services are provided, and the program also has a modest budget for the installation of safety equipment not covered by insurance.
SMEP also assigns care partners to visit homebound seniors once a week and assist with light housekeeping, laundry and errands, while ensuring seniors receive much-needed opportunities for socialization.
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