Archbishop Chaput's column

The season of prayer and witness

For Christians, Advent can consist of Option A, watching greed-inspiring Xmas ads to sell products, or Option B, praying often and reading Scripture. Archbishop Chaput writes that a strong faith requires strong action, and he suggests feeding the poor and advocating for the DREAM Act in Congress.

Some thoughts on advocacy and accuracy

The Archdiocese of Philadelphia has done much to root out and prevent sexual abuse in parishes and schools, writes Archbishop Charles Chaput. He hopes the media, especially the Philadelphia Inquirer, would cover those efforts.

Women in the new evangelization

Archbishop Charles Chaput is not worried about the future of the church because at a women's conference Saturday in Doylestown he spoke to a packed crowd of faithful Catholic women who are radicals for love.

Respeto a la vida 2017

Respeto por la vida humana viene en todo tipo de testimonio, incluyendo en un justo y humano proceso de inmigración y el valor profético de las Hermanitas de los Pobres contra la intrusión del gobierno, escribe el arzobispo Charles Chaput.

Respect Life 2017

Respect for human life comes in all forms of witness, including a just and humane immigration process and the prophetic courage of the Little Sisters of the Poor against government intrusion, writes Archbishop Charles Chaput.

Sex, sanity, and beliefs that ‘live loudly’ within us

Last week prominent evangelicals issued a statement on sexuality that affirmed biblical truths. They were promptly met with a river of public contempt, writes Archbishop Chaput. People in the LGBT community are owed the truth, spoken with love.

The truth, and nothing but

As children head back to school, Archbishop Chaput explains the why of Catholic education: Truth exists, is permanent and knowable, and is worth fighting for because it makes us free. It affirms the goodness of life and the world’s loving Creator. 

The epidemic and its cure

Anger first deforms and then destroys the person and the culture that cultivate it, writes Archbishop Charles Chaput. America 2017 is urgently in need of a healing.  We’re a culture addicted to anger. 

A moment for women in the new evangelization

Last year's WINE conference for women was an overwhelming success. Archbishop Chaput asks women to invite a friend to this year's gathering in October and learn why a woman's gift for relationship is the foundation for a personal encounter with Jesus Christ.

A word about useful tools

A recent Rome-based journal article is an exercise in dumbing down the nature of Catholic/evangelical cooperation on religious freedom and other key issues, writes Archbishop Charles Chaput. We should thank God for this unity in common cause.