
To reverence God, take a knee — but which one?

Father Ken Doyle explains the custom of genuflecting in church only with the right knee, while the left was for VIPs. He thinks God might care more about our hearts than our knees.

Even in darkest places, God always shows the way, pope says

"Ours is not an absent God, sequestered in a faraway heaven. Instead he is a God 'impassioned' with mankind," so tenderly in love that he is unable to stay away, the pope said in his weekly audience.

In the mystery of Easter, all are called to encounter risen Lord

Effie Caldarola reflects on how Easter Sunday is only the beginning of a season of wonder, joy and mystery leading Christians to the gift of the Spirit at Pentecost.

Blessed are they who see, and live, through faith in the Resurrection

Msgr. Joseph Prior shows how faith in Christ's resurrection transforms the lives of those who have not seen, but who have believed and have handed on their faith through the generations.

Readings of the holy Mass — Second Sunday of Easter

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with the resources below from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

What’s the difference between a priest and a monsignor?

The honorary title "monsignor" has no effect on a priest's duties. Pope Francis has cautioned against priestly ambition, and in 2014 he declared diocesan priests would no longer be awarded the title before age 65.

Easter: Celebrating the central mystery of the Christian faith

The great feast of the resurrection of Jesus sets the tone for all Christian living. Our package presents reflections plus family Easter crafts and even a sizzling recipe to help your celebration and understanding of Easter.

Roll away the stone to see possibility of new life

The Gospel reading for Easter and a popular new song tell us that the stone at Jesus' tomb was not rolled away for his benefit -- he came through locked doors -- but so we disciples could see the glory of God.

Being Easter people informs how parish prays and acts

At Father Herb Weber's parish, the conviction that the resurrection of Jesus has made a difference in his parishioners' own lives affects the way the parish gathers for worship and performs works of service.

The origins of Lent and Easter

The ancient liturgical celebrations of Holy Week and Easter have changed over the centuries, writes a Catholic professor, but bishops then and now recognized the great status of this time of common worship by believers in Christ.