
The liberation Easter brings

Easter begins in the darkness and at night, when the great vigil Mass for this central Christian feast is celebrated. Yet Easter is all about moving from the night "full of gladness" to daylight -- a "new day" in time.

Easter recipe: Pomegranate marinated lamb roast with gremolata

Lamb is the quintessential symbol of sacrifice and renewal that pays homage to our Judeo-Christian roots and honors Jesus, the Lamb of God. This recipe presents roasted lamb as the perfect centerpiece for the Easter table.

Easter treats and crafts for family time

Kelly Bothum shares three fun and simple Easter crafts that, while not replacing the Easter baskets, have helped her kids keep a connection with their Catholic faith.

With talk of gender change, a reader wonders, is it moral?

Father Ken Doyle explains church teaching that rejects "gender reassignment" hormone therapies and surgeries, while expressing compassion and care for persons "struggling with gender dysphoria."

Closer to the Blood, drop by drop

Following an old prayer card, Gina Christian considers the blood that Jesus lavishes in this Holy Week -- and the sinners who need it most. Will we humbly draw close to Christ so we may be washed in his torrent of love from the cross?

Readings of the holy Mass — Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with the resources below from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

At Palm Sunday, an unflinching look into the Passion of Jesus

Our package of stories from partner Catholic News Service looks into the symbols and lessons from the account in the Gospel of Matthew that may be overlooked amid the shouts of joy and cries of sorrow in the narrative.

What ‘Hosanna in the highest’ really means

A catechist explains why the crowd described in St. Matthew's Gospel would shout "hosanna" to Jesus as he entered Jerusalem. In one richly packed word, it proclaims that our prayers for the Messiah have been answered.

Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem fulfills Old Testament prophecy

Pope Benedict XVI points out the significance of symbols from the Passion -- such as Jesus riding on a colt -- that may be missed by most Christians today but which help us draw deeper into the mystery.

Discovering real treasure in the crucifixion of Jesus

Mike Nelson knows joy and pain. Since becoming Catholic, the church has been the cause of both emotions for him. The Passion story helps him realize he cannot hold on to grief and anger, but instead to embrace discipleship in Jesus.