
Mary pondered good news in her heart, not publicly

Mary’s example of humility contrasts with our self-absorption on social media and an all-too-competitive world. Her steadfastness inspires us to pursue quiet time for reflection, even at this most hectic of times.

Receiving the good news: Are we listening servants?

Like Samuel, Zechariah and Mary, we are called to listen and to do the will of God. Doing so with humility can help us accept the promise of Advent: that the risen Lord is present in our lives today and will return in glory.

What is the cause for rejoicing? Liturgy reveals the answer

Msgr. Joseph Prior looks to the readings for the Third Sunday of Advent to see how the prophecy of Isaiah, fulfilled in Jesus, can help us focus on the Lord's coming and not be overwhelmed by the season.

Readings of the holy Mass – Third Sunday of Advent

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with the resources below from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

The light changes us

Michelle Francl-Donnay helps her chemistry students, and us, understand the quantum lessons of the Light that transforms the darkness of the world, and the heart. See our multimedia resources.

At Christmas, recognize your sin and let God caress you, pope says

Christmas, he said, is a celebration of the fact that "the Lord comes with his power -- which are his caresses -- to find us, to save us like lost sheep and bring us back to the flock of his church."

Pope: Can’t whitewash sin away; Jesus truly transforms penitent hearts

Jesus truly transforms and heals hearts when people let him, which means recognizing and being ashamed of one's sins, Pope Francis said at his morning Mass.

Advent Week Three: Gaudete Sunday

The tone of the third Sunday of Advent, Gaudete Sunday, is set by the coming joyful days of Christmas, which the Advent season awaits.

Advent joy for imperfect Christians

It is not mysterious at all that the church lodges an annual day of joy in the heart of Advent. The tone of this December day, called Gaudete Sunday, is set by the coming joyful days of Christmas, which the Advent season awaits.

Surprised by new life at Advent

Advent and pregnancy have much in common. Advent is all about anticipation, a looking forward to a mystery yet to be revealed. Like pregnancy, Advent, like pregnancy, invites us into a hopeful future that lies before us wrapped in a cloud of unknowing.