
God’s law, given to us by him, supersedes human traditions

At the heart of Jesus' teaching on the Mosaic law is the call for us to root it in our hearts, explains Msgr. Joseph Prior. Jesus challenges us to go deeper into our understanding of God’s law and his way.

Seek God through a relationship with Christ and others, pope says

God "must be recognized in the humanity of Jesus and, as a consequence, in that of the brothers and sisters we meet on the path of life," Pope Francis told people gathered in St. Peter's Square Aug. 22 during his Sunday Angelus address.

‘All shall be well,’ even when you’re selling a house

Amid the stress of changing homes, Gina Christian receives some sound advice (for both real estate and the spiritual life) from 14th-century mystic Julian of Norwich.

Readings of the Holy Mass – Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time

Read, listen to or watch videos of the Mass readings with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Eating the Bread of Life brings us to life eternal with Jesus

Msgr. Joseph Prior explains the conclusion of the Bread of Life Discourse in the Gospel for this Sunday's Mass, and how we gather to listen and be fed by the Lord in the Eucharist.

‘Just enough Jesus’ isn’t sufficient

Only an all-in commitment to the Lord, rather than a part-time relationship, will satisfy the deepest longings of our souls, writes Gina Christian.

Readings of the Holy Mass – Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Read, listen to or watch videos of the Mass readings with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

In hoped-for reunion with Jesus, Mary leads the way

Through his resurrection Jesus promised eternal life, which he granted first to his mother by inviting her body and soul into heaven. Msgr. Joseph Prior explains the solemnity of the Assumption of Mary this Sunday.

A view of God from the bedroom floor and the depths of misery

An encounter with an injured, despairing shut-in showed Gina Christian how countless souls desperately need to hear of God's love from those who profess to follow him.

Readings of the Holy Mass – Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Read, listen to or watch videos of the Mass readings with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.