
Self-righteous continue to disturb Christian community, pope says

During his June 23 general audience, the pope reflected on the Letter to the Galatians in addressing rigidity and slander among those who claim to know "the best way to be Christians."

Readings of the Holy Mass – Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Read, listen to or watch videos of the Mass readings with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

God leads us through the storms of life

Like Job, we may never understand the reasons for the sufferings we experience, but we can know for certain that the Lord who redeemed us will bring us safely through, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior.

Loving our enemies: mission impossible, but not for God

Letting go of anger and resentment when we've been deeply hurt can seem utterly beyond our power, but we can fulfill this non-negotiable command of Christ by surrendering ourselves to his love, writes Gina Christian.

On the cross and still today, Jesus prays for everyone, pope says

Pope Francis concluded his series on prayer June 16, which he began a year ago, offering 38 reflections on the theme. "Even in the most painful of our sufferings, we are never alone. Jesus' prayer is with us," he said.

By Christ’s resurrection, ‘it’s a wonderful life’

Local parishioner Maria Santone has penned a poem reflecting on the joy of the recent Easter season -- as remarkable for the year's challenges as for the gratitude it inspires.

Wounded by love, the Sacred Heart pours forth life

Torn by sin, set aflame by desire, Christ's heart overflows with healing for even the most embittered and estranged among us, writes Gina Christian.

Planted by God, seed of faith grows strong day by day

Msgr. Joseph Prior explains Jesus' parable of the mustard seed from this Sunday's Gospel reading to explain the Kingdom of God, or God's plan for life, and how he grows our faith slowly.

Readings of the Holy Mass – Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Read, listen to or watch videos of the Mass readings with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Search for Christian unity must start with love, pope says

Theological dialogue cannot take the place of Christians simply sharing a meal, recognizing they are brothers and sisters, Pope Francis said in a video message Protestant and Catholic leaders in New York.