What’s the official position on Latin Mass?
Father Kenneth Doyle advises a reader on the extraordinary form of the liturgy, which has gained popularity in several parishes. In response to another reader, he explains the Candlemas blessing.
Readings of the Holy Mass: Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.
Jesus shows the way to doing good deeds, the acts of love
Every person we meet gives us an opportunity to be good, whether through a simple act of kindness or friendly word, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior in his reflection of the readings for this Sunday's Mass.
‘You go girl’ – straight to Jesus
An old slang phrase reminds Gina Christian of a woman in Scripture who refused to let illness, adversity or fear prevent her from encountering Christ.
Change reminds us we’re not in control
The people and places of Gary Zimak's life have changed much over the years. Change can be upsetting unless we imitate the apostles frightened at sea: they turned with trust to Jesus, who doesn't change.
We know the Shepherd’s voice through counsel
Whether we're making big decisions or everyday choices, the Holy Spirit stands ready to guide us. The more we seek the Lord's will in prayer, the more we come to discern his will.
In the gift of counsel, grace builds on nature
Actively involved in the lives of the faithful, the Holy Spirit can go beyond what we can do on our own, enabling us to make right decisions and bring God's kingdom to the world around us.
Open the eyes of faith to see the Lord
Simeon and Anna prepared themselves to behold the infant Jesus through years of prayer, worship and longing, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior. In the same way, we can recognize Christ's presence in our everyday lives, and witness to others.
Readings of the Holy Mass: Feast of the Presentation of the Lord
Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.
Feeling flawed? Get comfortable in Christ’s skin
Struggles with teenage acne and the rise of "skin positivity" on social media remind Gina Christian that our ultimate beauty is found in Christ alone.