
If it seems parenting never ends, it’s true

The overlooked lesson for parents -- rookies, veterans and those in between -- is that you never get caught up on parenting. And don't think that you should, advises veteran dad Bill Dodds.

Discrimination at Lutheran day care should concern Catholics

Richard Doerflinger explains the ramifications of a Supreme Court case in which Missouri law bars public funds for safe playgrounds only at religious schools.

Technology and social media empower youth

Social media platforms can educate and engage youth, inspiring them to effect positive change in the world.

Science, while beneficial, is often disruptive

The issue of climate change is causing a clash of arguments that likely will only get louder, writes Father Eugene Hemrick. That is what science does; or as Shakespeare wrote, "Knowledge maketh a bloody entrance."

See the seeds of success within a failure

Maureen Pratt draws spiritual lessons on patient endurance from a failed gardening project. Like the California rains giving birth to flowers, so God's grace may rejuvenate the seeds of potential within us.

Death without dignity in our nation’s capital

The two parties in Congress might not be able to agree on anything, but Richard Doerflinger offers three bipartisan reasons why Congress should not make Washington the place where poor black Americans go to white doctors to die.

The ambiguity of the empty cross at Easter

There is no "switching" from Lent to Easter in the sense of leaving something behind and then embracing something completely new, writes Hosffman Ospino. The cross is one mystery on a spiritual continuum.

Building ‘a culture of encuentro’

More than 7 million Hispanic and Latino Catholics representing 5,000 parishes in the United States are expected to participate in an "encounter" process -- which would be a major home run for the church, argues a guest editorial.

Trump erred in hitting Syria without Congressional green light

John Garvey does not disagree with the decision to bomb a Syrian air base in response to a chemical weapons attack. He disputes the decision's process, and cites three reasons why Congress should have been asked to authorize the strike.

In view of a long life, the good old days look even better

Moises Sandoval looks back on more than 80 years, from growing up poor on a New Mexico farm to the present. Despite all his family's hardships, they were more secure than many families are in today's crowded cities.