
A world of fears is answered by an infant, for nothing is impossible for God

The fears that run through America today are not unlike those of the Holy Family: fears of migrants, fears over security, fears for employment. Improbably, the Child Jesus teaches that nothing can thwart God's desires for the world.

At Christmas, respond to God’s gifts with love, not guilt

In the joy of a little boy who loves his Christmas present, Carolyn Woo sees a parallel in the gifts God gives us, and to the delight he takes in his children. We should become more openhearted in our giving and less guilty.

Wisdom of the past opens a new perspective at Christmas

Erick Rommell considers the oldest person alive, and advises that we ask our elders about the holidays of their childhood, the traditions lost over time and how they are a connection between yesterday, tomorrow and today.

Do Catholics stand with Standing Rock?

A friend of writer Effie Caldarola stood with Native American Sioux at the scene of a proposed oil pipeline, a scene reminiscent of an earlier era: fire hoses turned on peaceful protesters. She wonders why more Catholics weren't there.

Deaf man gets treat of a lifetime, attends 1st Eagles game

Father Sean Loomis joined a faithful man, who is deaf and paralyzed, on a journey he'd only dreamed of -- seeing his Philadelphia Eagles' heroes up close for a game. It's an example of the archdiocesan Deaf Apostolate's ministry.

Christians fleeing for their lives see signs of faith destroyed too

The iconoclasm of the Islamic State's campaign to destroy shrines and churches in the Holy Land is an effort to erase from memory the fact that God became man, lived among us and died on a cross, writes John Garvey.

Pick up a good book — you might live longer

Research shows how reading can benefit sharp thinking and longevity, writes Maureen Pratt. As we lose ourselves in a good story we not only banish the midwinter blahs but we give ourselves the joy of the moment, and for years to come.

Memories arise when adult watches parents grow old and sick

Writer Maryanne Kane remembers her mother's remarkable, faith-filled life and wonders how in the blink of an eye she has come to stand by the bed of the woman who always cared for her.

Byzantine Catholics prepare for Christmas with 40-day fast

By calming our busy minds and distracted souls through prayer, fasting and almsgiving, we can receive the Savior more readily into our lives, writes a Byzantine priest on this ancient Advent custom.

An enduring economic revival

President-elect Donald Trump spoke much about economic revival during the campaign. Archbishop Thomas Wenski seeks more than false hope for those who feel most abandoned by Washington, and for lasting change in the economy.