
Feeling insecure? You’re not the only one, as social media shows

The true power of communication in the 21st century is in how it lets people who haven't seen one another in years to share experiences and re-enter their lives in remarkable ways, writes Erick Rommel.

Instruments of peace can become corroded by divisiveness

Faced with a choice to create peace or division, young people are choosing peace by recognizing people's God-given dignity and acting accordingly, writes Maria Pia Negro Chin.

Instructing the ignorant, a work of mercy

What is truth and how can we grasp it? That's a question as old as Socrates, which John Garvey views in light of the Year of Mercy. We can find truth, he writes, because we have met the fullness of it in Jesus Christ.

What’s a ‘good’ Christian doing in a world like this?

Effie Caldarola ponders the meaning of Christian compassion at a time when hatred and even violence are visited upon homosexual people. The "elephant in the room" can't be ignored, she believes.

Statutes of Limitation retroactivity would violate Pa. constitution

Amy Hill of the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference reviews a Senate hearing this week on whether allowing civil lawsuits for child sexual abuse from the past would pass constitutional muster in Pennsylvania.

Tragedy in Orlando

We as a church hope to bring peace at a time when some may use events such as the Orlando shooting to divide groups against each other. We must respond to hatred with love, not succumbing to narratives of suspicion and fear.

A cup of coffee with the champ

Carole Norris Greene recalls the excitement of meeting Muhammad Ali in her youth, and the later disappointment of discovering his faults. She finds comfort in the forgiving words of Ali's ex-wife.

To reduce deaths, we must reduce guns

Even before the Orlando shooting spree, Moises Sandoval noted that last year 33,000 Americans lost their lives in gun violence. Making guns less available would "leave this earth better than we found it."

A life-giving idea: A place for those who need a kind listener

Effie Caldarola finds a social service agency on the second floor of a city bus terminal whose clients come not to be "fixed," but for someone to listen to them. "Listening is a sacred act," said the agency's head.

HB 1947 treats churches, other private institutions differently

Under the state bill, non-public schools and non-profits would be exposed to retroactive claims dating back decades, while public entities such as schools could only be sued for abuse that occurs in the future, explains Joelle Shea.