
In Baltimore, a lesson in blame

Columnist Carole Norris Greene distinguishes the thugs from peaceable Baltimore residents, and acknowledges some bad cops among good police officers.

While hoping for Romero’s sainthood, learn from his life

Father Gus Puleo reviews the life of Archbishop Oscar Romero before his beatification May 23, the lessons of his martyrdom and the power of the living Word of God.

Four words that can make a difference

"I made a mistake." If we all used those words more often, the world might be a happier place, says writer Erick Rommel.

Digging through life with the hands of Christ

As people picked through the rubble after Nepal's earthquake, Effie Caldarola got to thinking about the work of human hands and what they're meant to do.

Papal letter on environment spawning ugliness already

An editorial points out the shameful campaign against Pope Francis and his letter on the environment even before its release. Belittling the pope is wrong, and we're better than that.

Finding a glimmer of hope when life seems hopeless

In the face of the country's problems with poverty and violence, Karen Osborne remains convinced that hope fixes things. Solutions can come when we extend the lifeline of hope.

‘I’m too tired’ is a worn-out excuse

Maureen Pratt isn't buying the excuses people make for not fully and joyfully living their lives. She suggests dropping excuses, getting positive and inviting the Holy Spirit to take over.

Like Good Samaritan, the church should bind society’s wounds

Father William Byron hopes the World Meeting of Families will turn hearts to the needs of the poor and thus re-energize the love that makes the Catholic family possible.

He’s my brother, and he’s heavy

Deacon Paul and Helen McBlain discuss the story of how a couple’s care for the husband’s adult brother with mental health issues is driving a wedge in the marital relationship.

Let others in, and let your real voice out

Erick Rommel knows it's not easy being a teen. But if people knew what was really on a kid's mind, it could be the first step to making a difference in the world.