Let the light of Christ shine through 2022
Sarah Hanley of the Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia reflects on how everyone can resolve this in New Year to think more about their neighbors, contribute time, abilities and money to charity and live the Gospels more fully.
The beatitudes: Poor in spirit
In the first of a new series on the beatitudes, we see the blessing of those who are self-empty and the promise of the kingdom of God entering the world through them.
Jesuit Father Walter Ciszek: Poor in spirit
Father Rick Malloy tells how his fellow Jesuit was a broken spirit after five years of solitary confinement. Only then could his own poverty lead him to see the poor as brothers and sisters.
Jan. 6 insurrection is still a crisis for American democracy
The political purge underway in the Republican party Democracy in the U.S. is as vulnerable to demagoguery as anywhere else in the world, as the failed putsch of last year showed. But the anemic response to it is just as concerning, argues an editorial.
2022: Expecting the unexpected
The better we know ourselves, the better we can handle unexpected occurrences, writes Maureen Pratt. And regular prayer is a good way to gain better insight on ourselves.
Counting the blessings of #iGiveCatholic in archdiocese
Sarah Hanley of the Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia reflects on the success of the fundraiser last fall that raised $1.7 million for 124 Catholic entities in the Philadelphia Archdiocese.
The gift of Christmas past and present for the world
People worldwide, religious or not, living in the shadow of the holiday long for the peace and the universal goodwill included in the meaning of Christmas, even as some Grinch each year tries to stamp it out.
COVID-19 vaccine is a gift that is saving lives
This time last year the vaccine rollout began -- a stunning scientific success. But it stalled, leading to more deaths this year than last. How many people could have been saved had they received a vaccine that is medically and morally approved?
In shadow of the cross, let us bring help to tornadoes’ victims
Greg Erlandson recounts the devastation to towns across the Midwest from at least 22 tornadoes that hit last week. Like the Good Samaritan, we should help our brothers and sisters in need at this time -- and come back, at Easter.
Welcome to Dystopia Hills
That’s what Father Eric Banecker calls our postmodern culture with its veneer of affluence, beneath which is an anxious and addicted culture without the vision of a good life well lived. It’s not pleasant, so why not give religious renewal a try?