
A retirement project like no other

Greg Erlandson's retired friend, a Catholic with time on his hands, not only seeks to be governor of California, but is touting all of Catholic social teaching under a new political party -- and presenting a third political option.

Eucharistic renewal is already an ongoing movement

Hosffman Ospino points to abundant evidence of interest in the Eucharist, and the Holy Spirit may be telling us something about it in our days. The entire Catholic community must listen.

And now, for some good news

There are yards of bad news, but the good news of life comes inch by inch, as Effie Caldarola finds in telling the story of two friends who opened their homes and hearts to help a stranger in need.

Fears of vaccines, and nuclear power, are both misplaced

The anti-nuclear lobby leans left. The vaccine-hesitant lean right. John Garvey believes that although they are both mistaken, we should extend them the same degree of tolerance in making public policy.

Today ‘we need one another;’ tomorrow may be too late

The all-too-human tendency to delay decisions sometimes proves catastrophic, as the COVID-19 pandemic, the Surfside condo collapse and climate change show. The prophetic voice of the church should challenge us to face problems decisions together, writes Greg Erlandson.

Why CFGP is your best option for Catholic philanthropy

Sarah Hanley explains three major ways that the Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia offers unique benefits for donors who wish to aid the church's mission and for Catholic organizations seeking support for their ministries.

St. Augustine on sustainability: ‘Enough for all, always’

Writing for EcoPhilly, Father Art Purcaro finds in the saintly founder of his Augustinian order some 1,700-year-old lessons on care for our common home, encouraging people today to take social action on behalf of a better world.

Priority of Sunday: Keeping the Sabbath, lifting up the priest

The renewal of society begins with returning Sunday to a day for glorifying God and growing in holiness, writes Father Eric Banecker, and that requires a renewed confidence in the ministerial priesthood among Catholics.

No time for fairy tales: Believe the science, get the vaccine

An editorial writer marvels that the global consensus on the Apollo moon landing has been replaced by a science-defying shrug by many not to get their COVID vaccination, in the face of data showing it saves lives. It is a choice, and it is a scandal.

Concerned about coherence? Seek who, not what, you get at Mass

Putting up with a lot of words before receiving holy Communion is a short-sighted motivation for what happens on Sundays, writes Oblate Father Thomas Dailey. The real presence of Christ has the power to transform our minds, and how we live.