Manayunk business coming up roses
By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T MANAYUNK- Do you need flowers for a convention, a banquet, a $40 arrangement, or even just a $15 bud vase? Tom Coffey will oblige. Coffey, 49, has spent a career in sales and marketing. After working in Germany and England for eight years or so, he came back to […]
An invitation to young Latinos
Youth of the KingdomMaría Reyes Greetings to the Hispanic youth and young adults in Philadelphia and its surrounding counties and those who serve them! “The youth are not only our future, they are our present.” The presence of our Hispanic youth and young adult community is being felt more and more in our Catholic Church. […]
Una invitación para la juventud latina
Jóvenes del reinoMaría Reyes ¡Saludos a la juventud hispana de Filadelfia y sus condados circundantes y saludos los que les sirven! «Los jóvenes no son nuestro futuro sino también son nuestro presente.» La presencia de nuestra juventud hispana se siente cada vez más en nuestra Iglesia católica. Los jóvenes y adultos jóvenes han comenzado a […]
The Word of God is active, real and alive
By Deacon Louis MalfaraSpecial to The CS&T A professional writer friend of mine mentioned that words have definitions that can be found in a dictionary, but their meaning rests within the speaker’s heart. It’s in this context that I understand the Eternal Word, Jesus, who is the inherent meaning of the Word. St. John explains […]
Behind Eastern State Penitentiary’s walls, stories of faith and art
By NADIA MARIA SMITHCS&T Staff Writer Eastern State Penitentiary isn’t the first place you think of going to see Catholic art. But that is exactly what was revealed to Cardinal Justin Rigali during his first visit to the historic penitentiary in the Fairmount section of Philadelphia on Thursday, Sept. 11. Cardinal Rigali was taken to […]
«Aquí estoy Señor, vengo para hacer Tu Voluntad»
De nuestro vicarioMons. Hugh J. Shields Al hablar con muchos hombres (latinos) en estos últimos años, he escuchado a menudo decir: «Creo que Dios está pidiendo más de mí, pero no estoy seguro qué es». Para algunos, puede ser que Dios quiere que pasen más tiempo con sus familias; que asuman papeles de liderazgo en […]
Language not a barrier to service as deacon
From our VicarMsgr. Hugh J. Shields In speaking with many (Latino) men these past few years often I hear them saying: “I think God is asking more from me, but I am not sure what it is.” For some, it may be that God wants them to spend more time with their family, to take […]
Celebration focuses on saint who ministered to slaves
By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T PHILADELPHIA – Just as today there are many seemingly intelligent people who believe the unborn are less than human, in the early 17th century there were many seemingly intelligent people who believed native Africans were less than human, and fair game for slavery and cruel exploitation. An exception was […]
Local radio station sponsors St. John’s Hospice donation drive
By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T PHILADELPHIA – Call it part of the maturing process. Back when Tom Kelly was a student at Villanova studying accounting he was a self-described “Rock ‘n Roll guy.” He spent quite a bit of time at the university’s radio station as a DJ spinning the likes of the Beatles, […]
45 years later, Hospice still helps those in need
By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T PHILADELPHIA – It will never make the Zagat Guide to Philadelphia Restaurants, but it’s been around for 45 years this September and it is one of the most frequented eateries in the city. Best of all, it’s free. It’s also the mailing address for about 2,000 men, although on […]