
Be courageous witnesses to the Gospel, pope says at audience

Vatican City, 22 May 2013 (VIS) – Pope Francis dedicated his Wednesday general audience catechesis to the Holy Spirit, without whom, “the Church could not live or carry out the mission that Jesus has entrusted us with, of going out and making disciples of all nations. Evangelisation is the Church’s mission, not just of a […]

Pope Francis: Be open to God’s surprises

Vatican City, 19 May 2013 (VIS) – The Mass that Pope Francis celebrated this morning in St. Peter’s Square in front of over 200,000 people was the concluding event of the two days of pilgrimage for the ecclesial movements, communities, and lay associations to Rome as part of the Year of Faith celebrations. In his […]

Pope to new ambassadors: Financial crisis rooted in rejection of ethics

Vatican City, 16 May 2013 (VIS) – This morning the Holy Father received the credential letters of four new ambassadors to the Holy See: Mr. Bolot Iskovich Otunbaev from Kyrgyzstan; Mr. David Shoul from Antigua and Barbuda; Mr. Jean-Paul Senninger from Luxembourg; and Mr. Lameck Nthekela from Botswana. In the address he gave them, the […]

Action of the Holy Spirit is Pope Francis’ theme of weekly catechesis

Vatican City, 15 May 2013 (VIS) – The action that the Holy Spirit carries out, in guiding the Church and within each of us, was the theme chosen by Pope Francis for his catechesis in today’s general audience, with Pentecost drawing near. “We are living in an age when we are rather sceptical regarding truth,” […]

Mass at St. Peter’s: Opening life to newness of God

Vatican City, 28 April 2013 (VIS) – “Remain steadfast in the journey of faith, with firm hope in the Lord,” Pope Francis exhorted the 100,000 persons gathered this morning in St. Peter’s Square to participate in the Mass at which he conferred the Sacrament of Confirmation on 44 faithful from around the world, representing the […]

Pope asks that dignity and safety of workers always be defended

Vatican City, 28 April 2013 (VIS) – At the end of the Mass celebrating the Rite of Confirmation, the Holy Father prayed the Regina Coeli with the faithful gathered in St. Peter’s Square. “Before concluding this celebration,” he said, “I want to entrust all those who have been confirmed and all of you to Our […]

Ni la Iglesia ni el Estado puede redefinir la realidad del matrimonio

“Si se le llama cola a una pata, ¿cuántas patas tiene una vaca? Cuatro, porque llamar cola a una pata no hace que la pata se convierta en cola”. Esto lo dijo Abraham Lincoln, demostrando con ello que tenía un conocimiento mayor sobre la realidad de las cosas que muchas de las personas que forman parte de nuestra cultura de hoy, incluyendo a no pocos graduados de la Escuela de Leyes de la Universidad de Harvard, y, posiblemente incluso, a una mayoría de los magistrados de la Corte Suprema, si se diera el caso de que decidieran revocar DOMA y la Proposición 8 de California, e imponer así, efectivamente, el “matrimonio del mismo sexo” en el país.

Pope expresses profound grief for attack in Boston

Vatican City, 16 April 2013 (VIS) – Pope Francis, through Cardinal Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone, S.D.B., has sent a telegram to Cardinal Sean O’Malley, O.F.M. Cap, archbishop of Boston, Massachusetts, USA in response to the attack that took place yesterday afternoon in that city during its annual marathon causing three deaths and leaving over […]

El Papa Francisco y este Año de la Fe

El Papa Francisco nos reta a vivir nuestra fe. Nuestra fe se ha confirmado una y otra vez durante este Año de la Fe.  Y la sorpresa de tener un Papa latino nos confirma aún más en la fe.  Él es el primer Papa latino y el primer Jesuita. Este Año de la Fe, el […]

Columna semanal del Arzobispo: La Pascua y sus consecuencias, aqui y ahora

En muchas maneras durante muchos años, la Iglesia de Filadelfia ha protegido al débil y servido a la dignidad humana con habilidad excepcional -alimentando al hambriento, albergando a los desamparados, consolando a los enfermos y ancianos, ayudando a los inmigrantes. Ninguna organización semejante se aproxima a la prestación del servicio al público en general ofrecido por la comunidad católica en nuestra región. Sin embargo, también es cierto que nuestro testimonio ha sido amargamente debilitado por los casos de abuso sexual de niños en el pasado. Estos pecados, estos fallos para proteger a jóvenes inocentes, no tienen excusa; han resultado en vidas terriblemente heridas -a quienes debemos una ayuda continua para su sanación.