
Cardinal Rigali announces further actions in response to grand jury report

FEB. 16 — “Sexual abuse of children is a crime. It is always wrong and gravely evil. Protecting children, preventing child abuse and assisting victims are priorities of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia,” stated Cardinal Justin Rigali, Archbishop of Philadelphia. “The Grand Jury Report makes clear that for as much as the Archdiocese has done to […]

Declaración del Cardenal Justin Rigali al informe emitido por el Gran Jurado

FEB. 10 – La Oficina del Fiscal del Distrito de Filadelfia emitió un informe de la investigación del Gran Jurado el día de hoy, acerca de la Arquidiócesis de Filadelfia y los asuntos relacionados con el abuso sexual de menores. {{more:(lea más)}}Dado que el informe fue emitido esta misma mañana, la Arquidiócesis no ha tenido […]

Statement of Cardinal Justin Rigali Regarding the Release of the Report of the Grand Jury

FEB. 10 – The Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office issued a report of the Investigative Grand Jury earlier today concerning the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and matters related to sexual abuse of minors. {{more}} Since the report was just released this morning, the Archdiocese has not yet had the opportunity to review it and, therefore, I am […]

Video of Cardinal Rigai Regarding the Grand Jury Report

English Spanish

Updated Statement by Cardinal Rigali

Dear Faithful of the Archdiocese, As the Archdiocese continues to review the grand jury report that was released this morning, there is one assertion in the report that must be addressed immediately. The report states that there remain in ministry archdiocesan priests who have credible allegations of abuse against them. I assure all the faithful […]

Anuncio do al arquidiócesis de Filadelfia Después del Informe del Gran Jurado

FEB. 11 – Como una respuesta inicial al informe emitido por el Gran Jurado, el cardenal Justin Rigali anuncia las acciones siguientes que él ha tomado recientemente: {{more:(lea más)}} 1. La Arquidiócesis ha retenido una vez más los servicios de Mary Achilles como asesora de la Arquidiócesis para aconsejar al cardenal Justin Rigali en cuanto […]

Announcement from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia following the Grand Jury Report

FEB. 11 – As an initial response to the Grand Jury Report, Cardinal Justin Rigali announces the following actions which he has taken recently:{{more}} 1. The Archdiocese has once again retained the services of Mary Achilles as a Consultant to the Archdiocese to advise Cardinal Justin Rigali regarding how best to address the needs of […]

Cardinal Rigali’s Letter to the Faithful – Spanish

FEB. 12 – Mis hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, Yo les hablo a ustedes hoy como su Arzobispo y su pastor. Mi preocupación es por todos ustedes que pertenecen a Cristo y su Iglesia. Yo les hablo a ustedes los miembros activos del rebaño de Cristo y también a ustedes, los que por un motivo […]

Cardinal Rigali’s Letter to the Faithful – English

FEB. 12 – My Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I speak to you today as your Archbishop, your shepherd and pastor. My concern is for all of you who belong to Christ and his Church. I speak to you who are active members of the flock of Christ and also to you, who, for one […]

Find yourself in Christ

By Sister Ruth BolarteSpecial to The CS&T “Like the deer that longs for running streams, so my soul is yearning for you my God.” – Psalm 14 A couple weeks ago, I was moved as I saw the characters of the movie “The Way Back” face starvation, dehydration and frigid temperatures as they journeyed a […]