Lenten renewal begins with penance
By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T “In the sacrament of penance Christ crucified and risen, through His ministers, purifies us with His infinite mercy, restores us with His infinite Mercy, restores us to communion with the heavenly Father and our brothers, and makes a gift of His love, joy and peace in us.” – Pope […]
Visitación B.V.M. de Kensington, ora por la reforma de inmigración
El párroco dice que la parroquia está ‘viva’ gracias a los inmigrantes Por Lou BaldwinRedacción del CS&T En cualquier domingo la iglesia Visitación BVM en Kensington tiene alrededor de 1.200 asistentes a misa. Es parroquia que prospera, pero ese término no tiene nada que ver con la riqueza monetaria. Sólo alrededor de una cuarta parte […]
Popular Hispanic charismatic speaks at St. Helena
By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T To begin with, the gym was set up with about 150 seats, mostly occupied, but people just kept coming and more and more seats had to be brought out. In the end the crowd had to be well over 300, obviously beyond the organizers’ wildest expectations. This was the […]
Popular hispano carismático habla en Santa Elena
By Lou BaldwinRedacción del CS&T Para empezar, prepararon el gimnasio con alrededor de 150 asientos, ocupados en su mayoría, pero las personas continuaban llegando y muchos más asientos tuvieron que ser traídos. Al final, la multitud tenía que ser más de 300 personas, evidentemente más allá de las expectativas más ambiciosas de los organizadores. Esta […]
On priesthood, secular and consecrated
Catechetical SeriesPart 7By Father James W. Mayer, O.de M. Seventh in a series explaining the priesthood in the Church’s Year of the Priest. The Catholic priesthood, ever ancient and ever new – to borrow a phrase from St. Augustine – has seen its share of misunderstandings in both its lofty peaks and abysmal valleys. In […]
Blogging the Gospel
Local priests, religious, lay people use blogs to evangelize By George GregorySpecial to The CS&T In a message embracing the evangelizing potential of electronic and digital media, Pope Benedict XVI recently encouraged priests and religious around the world to use web sites, videos and blogs as tools of pastoral ministry. “Priests stand at the threshold […]
Una jornada espiritual hacia la justicia y el alcance
Por Lou BaldwinRedacción del CS&T Hace un año más o menos, Bethany Welch trabajó para un grupo de expertos sin fines de lucro, en el estado de Nueva York, como una analista de regulaciones de servicios sociales y el sueldo era muy bueno. Entonces supo que el Centro Providencia, un pequeño programa de alcance en […]
A day in the life of the parochial vicar
By Christie L. ChicoineCS&T Staff Writer Father John R. DiOrio, 50, has served as a parochial vicar at Our Lady of Fatima Parish in Secane, Delaware County, since 2007. The fourth of five children of Theresa and the late Thomas DiOrio was raised in St. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi Parish in South Philadelphia. He was […]
Priest as healer and consoler
Catechetical Series Part 6By Father Anthony J. CostaSixth in a series that explains the priesthood during the Church’s Year of the Priest. “The Lord Jesus Christ … has willed that his Church continue, in the power of the Holy Spirit his work of healing and salvation, even among her own members. This is the purpose […]
Offering the new year to God
By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T PHILADELPHIA – Chinese New Year, or Tet as it is known in Vietnam, is a lot more than dancing dragons and firecrackers, although they are certainly a lot of fun. Think of Thanksgiving, All Souls Day, New Years Day, a major national holiday, a seasonal festival and a family […]