Corte del Rey
Por Hna. Ruth Bolarte En pocas semanas estaremos proclamando villancicos, oraciones, y alabanzas conmemorando el nacimiento del Rey de Reyes. Las Hermanas Siervas del Inmaculado Corazón de María, mi comunidad, celebra la Navidad con la tradición de la «Corte del Rey». El día de Navidad cada hermana recibe una tarjeta con un personaje de la […]
The court of the King
By Sister Ruth Bolarte, I.H.M. In the past few weeks we’ve been proclaiming Christmas songs, prayers and praises commemorating the birth of the King of Kings. The Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, my community, celebrate Christmas with the tradition of the “Court of the King.” On Christmas day each Sister receives a […]
At the Langhorne Monastery of St. Clare: ‘Our whole life is the Liturgy of the Hours’
By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T The lives of cloistered religious, whether they be monks or nuns, may be described by a single word – prayer. It is their constant. Prayer is not the interlude between work to sustain the abbey, or eating, or sleeping or recreation. Those are the interludes between prayers. Its most […]
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Catholics across Archdiocese celebrate love, protection of Our Lady of Guadalupe Homily of Cardinal RigaliFeast of Our Lady of Guadalupe Photo Gallery
At the Langhorne Monastery of St. Clare: ‘Our whole life is the Liturgy of the Hours’
By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T The lives of cloistered religious, whether they be monks or nuns, may be described by a single word – prayer. It is their constant. Prayer is not the interlude between work to sustain the abbey, or eating, or sleeping or recreation. Those are the interludes between prayers. Its most […]
Liturgy of the Hours: Praying with the whole church
By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T When young men arrive at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary to begin the long process of continued discernment and formation for the priesthood, they are probably aware that all priests pray daily from their breviary. What they may not then know is this daily prayer is really the Liturgy of […]
Posada for our young immigrants
By Maria Reyes Las Posadas, a nine-day celebration that typically begins Dec. 16 and culminates Dec. 24, is the beloved religious tradition of many Catholic Mexicans and Latin Americans. In the Spanish language, to pedir posada means to ask for lodging or dwelling. Based on Luke’s Gospel, posadas are a reminder of the trials that […]
Posadas para nuestros jóvenes inmigrantes
Por Maria Reyes Las Posadas es una tradición religiosa, para muchos católicos mexicanos y otros latinoamericanos, que consiste de una celebración de nueve días que comienza típicamente el 16 de diciembre y concluye el 24 de diciembre. En el idioma español, pedir posada significa pedir alojamiento. Basado en el evangelio de san Lucas, las posadas […]
Liturgy of the Hours: Praying with the whole church
By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T When young men arrive at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary to begin the long process of continued discernment and formation for the priesthood, they are probably aware that all priests pray daily from their breviary. What they may not then know is this daily prayer is really the Liturgy of […]
During the day: God’s presence in prayer
Liturgy of the Hours series: Part IIBy Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T If the Liturgy of the Hours is the Prayer of the Church, why for most of Church history was it not widely prayed by the laity? The very simple reason is that for most of Christian history the vast majority of the laity […]