
El camino del amor: El pesebre, la cruz, la Eucaristía

Por Hna. Ruth BolarteRedacción del CS&T En estos días de Semana Santa y el Triduo recordamos especialmente cuánto nos ama Dios. ¿Cómo podemos expresar este amor spanino tan maravilloso? San Alfonso Liguori, un santo patrón de mi comunidad religiosa, dice que si el amor de todas las personas, los ángeles, y todos los santos se […]

The way of love: The crib, the cross, the Eucharist

By Sister Ruth BolarteSpecial to the CS&T As we enter Holy Week and the Triduum we remember how much God loves us. How can we articulate this awesome spanine love? St. Alphonsus Liguori, a patron saint of my religious community, says that if the love of all persons, all angels and all saints were combined, […]

National Liberty Museum greets new president

By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T Douglas O. Tozour shoots high. The founder, CEO and president of Tozour -Trane Energy Systems, his company holds the Philadelphia region franchise for Trane HVAC (Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning). As such, his firm was responsible for HVAC in the Comcast World Headquarters, Philadelphia’s tallest building, as well as […]

‘Lift high the cross’ in the year of St. Paul

By Deacon Louis S. MalfaraSpecial to The CS&T I was determined that while I was with you I would speak of nothing but Jesus Christ and Him crucified. — 1 Corinthians: 2:2 When I was little, my fraternal grandparents took me on occasion to their church, St. Nicholas, near 8th and Moore Streets in South […]

The future of outreach to Hispanic youth

By María ReyesSpecial to the CS&T From 2005 to 2006 about 40,000 Hispanic youths were part of the first National Encounter for Hispanic Youth and Young Adult Ministry. The process, which lasted about two years, was carried out locally throughout 98 dioceses in the United States and included a series of parish, diocesan and regional […]

El futuro del alcance a la juventud hispana

Jóvenes del reinoMaría Reyes En el período 2005-2006 alrededor de 40, 000 jóvenes hispanos fueron parte del primer Encuentro Nacional del Ministerio para Jóvenes y Adultos Jóvenes Hispanos. El proceso, que duró alrededor de dos años, se llevó a cabo localmente a través de 98 diócesis en los EE.UU. e incluyó una serie de encuentros […]

Journey with St. Paul Through Lent

HOLY WEEKHumility and obedience in ChristBy Most Reverend Daniel E. Thomas The Catholic Standard & Times presents the last of a six-part series authored by the auxiliary bishops of Philadelphia to aid readers in their Lenten preparation during this year of St. Paul. Humility and obedience: two words which are hardly the friends of current […]

Journey with St. Paul Through Lent

Fifth week of LentChrist’s model of courage and trustBy Most Reverend Louis A. DeSimone The Catholic Standard & Times presents the fifth of a six-part series authored by the auxiliary bishops of Philadelphia to aid readers in their Lenten preparation during this year of St. Paul. We are past the halfway mark in Lent. Our […]

Of comfort food and Lenten preparation

Between friendsMar muñoz-Visoso In thinking about Lent this year the first thing that came to mind was food. The albóndigas de bacalao (cod meatballs) and potaje (garbanzo soup) of my mother, and tortas de camarón (dry shrimp patties in tomato sauce) of my mother-in-law. It can be said that Lent and Holy Week have some […]

Cuaresma y Semana Santa con sabor especial

Entre amigosMar muñoz-Visoso Al pensar en la Cuaresma este año, por alguna razón, lo primero que me vino a la mente fue la comida. Las albóndigas de bacalao y el potaje de garbanzos de mi madre, y las tortas de camarón de mi suegra. Se podría decir que Cuaresma y Semana Santa tienen en la […]