Lent 2016

Pope writes most tender answers to kids’ hardest questions

In his new book Pope Francis offers fatherly answers to children's questions like why there is evil, knowing their parents are in the background listening. Our columnist Michelle Francl-Donnay reviews.

Speak up, somebody might need your words

People might be offended when we talk about the love of God, writes Chris Stefanick, but more often they wouldn’t mind us sharing about our faith any more than they’d mind us sharing about our favorite football team.

‘24 Hours for the Lord’ calls for all churches to stay open March 4-5

Responding to Pope Francis' initiative to focus on the mercy of God, Catholic churches around the world will offer eucharistic adoration and confessions for 24 hours. See details and a map of participating parishes in the Philadelphia Archdiocese.

Like a parent, God is ready for our middle-of-the-night call

Michelle Francl-Donnay finds solace in Psalm 130, with its cry from the heart, and in the inexhaustible mercy of God -- tender, compassionate and indulgent -- that is ready every time we ask for it.

How grace changed my life

Years ago Father John Catoir wanted a job in Catholic media but doubts stopped him. Then a "Why not?" thought popped up and he applied before he had time to rethink. He believes that was God's hidden hand.

Be a happy Christian: Show teens the joy of your faith

Chris Stefanick's teenagers are proud of their faith. How did he and his wife do that? They make their faith attractive by being passionately alive in everything, then Bam! -- faith becomes contagious.

Take time for the things that inspire you

When you don't take care of yourself -- sleeping, exercising, relaxing, eating right -- the people who love you are only getting the burnt-out version of yourself, not the best, writes Chris Stefanick. Watch his video.

See the links between spirituality, the environment and Lent

See our package of three reflections focusing on the model of St. Francis and probing the question, how can we listen for the voice of God in creation, and protect what he created?

That hammering sound? It’s the Psalms, bending hearts to God’s mercy

Michelle Francl-Donnay's travel woes were a mild trial compared to some, but whether it's refugees on the run or Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, divine mercy endures amidst difficulties -- forever.

All things speak of God: Spirituality in our time

It's hard to describe precisely Christian spirituality, even though many people talk about it. Two writers -- Jesuit Father James Martin and Pope Francis -- explain facets of God's relationship with us.