Calendar of Events


The conferences of this Day of Recollection will not only offer some thoughts on each of the three but, perhaps more importantly, examine how “one needs the other.”

Natural family planning through the Creighton Model Fertility Care System

The Jan. 7 seminar will provide detailed information about a pro-life approach to women's healthcare and reproduction.

Sisters of Life host holy hour of reparation

The Jan. 4 time of eucharistic adoration, which will take place at St. Malachy Parish in Philadelphia, is part of a first Friday devotion series in response to the clerical sex abuse scandal.

Sisters of Life host Epiphany celebration

The Jan. 6 gathering at St. Malachy's Church will begin with a 2 p.m. Mass, followed by carols and cookies.

Sister of Mercy teaches Italian cooking class

During a Jan. 9 class at Cranaleith Spiritual Center, Sr. Leslie Porreca, RSM, will share some of her favorites recipes from a recent trip to Italy, along with dinner.

St. Stanislaus offers virtual tour on the Holy Land

Deacon Tony Bellitto will share images and reflections from his pilgrimage to Israel at a Jan. 8 gathering.

Mother Boniface Center offers day of reflection on God’s healing mercy

Father Chris Walsh will lead a Jan. 19 day-long retreat designed to deepen our understanding of God's forgiveness, and to enable us to extend the same to those who have hurt us.

Cranaleith offers workshop on following your heart

Drawing on current scientific research, Sr. Marlene Skrobak, RSM will present a Jan. 19 seminar on how intuition and emotional intelligence can create a more peaceful world.

Workshop develops skills in listening to others, self

Cranaleith Spiritual Center will host the next in its "Conversations that Matter" seminar series on Jan. 26.

St. Francis Xavier hosts oldies dance party with Jerry Blavat

The legendary Philadelphia DJ will spin classic hits at a Jan. 12 celebration that will take place in the parish's school. A buffet dinner, raffles and dessert will round out the BYOB evening.