Local News

Archdiocese’s Masses, videos seen by half-million local Catholics

More than 470,000 people have watched livestreaming Masses from the cathedral since mid-March. Along with the virtual Lenten retreat and Archbishop Perez's videos, almost 600,000 have enriched their Catholic faith.

Knights of Columbus vow to leave no neighbor behind

Seven suburban Philadelphia councils of the Catholic men's fraternal organization are helping meet a variety of needs in their local communities in response to a national call for support during the COVID-19 crisis.

In times of plague, ‘greatest saints are born,’ says historian

Church historian and St. Charles Seminary professor Msgr. Gregory Fairbanks tells how Catholics "showed that their faith would lead them through the difficulties of their time," including pandemics through history.

Fund aims to ease pandemic’s financial impact on parishes

The Parish Support Initiative addresses the economic fallout for archdiocesan parishes: collections make up 85% of income, and those collections are down significantly as public Masses have been suspended.

Stay-at-home orders put some kids at risk for abuse

Close quarters, job loss and financial worries during the coronavirus pandemic can create stress that contributes to neglect and abuse of children, said an archdiocesan official who is seeing spikes in reports.

Clergy assignment change announced

Archbishop Nelson Perez announced that one priest of the Philadelphia Archdiocese will pursue graduate studies in Sacred Scripture.

Find a Mass livestreamed

See our list of 99 Catholic parishes, shrines and schools in the archdiocese streaming the Sunday and daily Masses while public liturgies are suspended during the coronavirus pandemic.

NDS reports 900% increase in free meals to kids during pandemic

Responding to the impact of the coronavirus, last week archdiocesan Nutritional Development Services distributed more than 28,000 federally funded school meals, intended to stretch food supplies at home.

Catholic ministries on front line of pandemic get help of civic charity

Three archdiocesan social service agencies will receive critically needed grants by the PHL COVID-19 Fund to help feed and care for vulnerable people during the coronavirus crisis.

Watch Easter Sunday Mass today from Cathedral

Archbishop Nelson Perez will be the celebrant for the Easter Sunday Mass on April 12 at 11 a.m., livestreamed from the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul and broadcast live on WHYY TV channel 12.