Local News

‘Vianney,’ drama on power of confession, coming to local parish

St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish in West Chester will host the play on the life of St. John Vianney Nov. 9. His story shows God's grace in helping people to become merciful, through the sacrament of penance, says the parish's pastor.

Catholics, Lutherans take over a street in show of unity

St. Raymond Parish and Reformation Lutheran Church, both in the Mount Airy section of Philadelphia, stopped traffic Sunday morning to pray publicly as the conclusion to a six-week session of study and prayer among both congregations.

From founding Italians to today’s Hispanics, parish sees century of change

Our Lady of Consolation Parish in Northeast Philadelphia's Tacony section was founded 100 years ago for Italian immigrants but now serves a diverse mix of Catholics. A son of the parish, Bishop Joseph Cistone, celebrated the anniversary Mass.

National conference draws 1,200 faithful women to Doylestown

The WINE -- Women in the New Evangelization -- went down easily last Saturday at the Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa where participants got fired up on Catholic theology with their sisters in faith.

Archdiocese inviting proposals to redevelop center city property

The campus of the Archdiocesan Pastoral Center and the Cathedral Basilica is on a prime location overlooking Logan Circle and within view of the Benjamin Franklin Parkway. Bids may be put out early next year.

Retreat expected to draw 6,000 teens to Temple U

Freshmen and sophomores from all 17 archdiocesan high schools plus three private schools will meet at the Liacouras Center Oct. 30 for a day-long spiritual program, Metanoia, featuring music, talks and Mass.

Catholic Charismatics give a spirited ‘yes’ to the Lord

Members of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the Philadelphia area celebrated the 50th anniversary of the movement with a three-day conference Oct. 15-17 in Essington. The renewal has reached 120 million people worldwide.

Collegeville parish plans major outreach to homeless of region

The St. Eleanor Parish youth group is collecting travel-size toiletries for “Operation: Help the Homeless” on Oct. 21-22 to benefit a center serving the growing homeless population in Montgomery County.

Webinar for parents, parishes aims to combat porn usage

An free online information session on how to protect children from the effects of pornography will be held Nov. 7 and Nov. 16, courtesy of an interfaith alliance. Register here.

Catholic youth: Thanks for asking our opinion, here’s what we think

Ahead of next year's synod on youth, a local survey of nearly 900 Catholic young adults shows they fear for the future, they want to do works of service and they want to gather with other young people in retreats, sports and in the Sunday Mass.