Local News

Philadelphia’s Auxiliary Bishop Martin Lohmuller dies at 97

Long a close aid to the late Cardinal John Krol, Bishop Lohmuller died Tuesday afternoon after a lengthy illness. He was the oldest bishop in the United States. Funeral rites will be held Wednesday, Feb. 1 at the Cathedral.

St. Katherine Church hosts first pro-life rally in Northeast Philadelphia

The rally on the 44th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Jan. 22, presented prayers and talks in support of efforts to raise awareness of the pro-life movement and the sanctity of human life.

$350K gift will help renovate St. Joseph’s Sisters’ retirement home

As St. Joseph Villa shifts from traditional, institutional care of aged sisters to a more home-like, community-based model, the $25 million renovation project got a big boost from the Connelly Foundation.

Workshop looks beyond the church bulletin to digital connections

Reaching young people, especially, and drawing them to Mass is harder than ever if a parish only uses the venerable bulletin. Next month parish leaders can learn about digital tools to communicate easily with parishioners.

Catholic Charities Appeal aims to give hope to all in need

Archbishop Charles Chaput launched this year's annual appeal. With a goal of $12.5 million, funds go toward 180 ministries of the Philadelphia Archdiocese, including a program helping drug-addicted women find recovery, a home -- and hope.

Area pro-lifers get inside look at insidious abortions

At the Pro-Life Summit in Philadelphia on Jan. 14, a newspaper columnist and film producer discussed the trial of abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell, and how many turned a blind eye to his clinic's murderous practice.

Prayer service honoring Dr. King challenges attitudes on race

At the annual Archdiocesan Gathering Monday night, black people and white people discussed candidly their personal biases and experiences with racism. The conversations will continue at three other Catholic churches this winter.

Two Northeast Philadelphia parishes plan for sustainability

Our Lady of Ransom and Resurrection of Our Lord are beginning the archdiocesan parish planning initiative, which may result in a merger or parish partnership. A decision is expected by the spring.

Mass honors years of service by 236 religious educators in archdiocese

Archbishop Charles Chaput celebrated Mass Jan. 14 at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul for parish directors of religious education and volunteer catechists, all of whom enjoy teaching the faith to the young.

Archbishop Chaput announces clergy assignment changes

New appointments for four priests of the Philadelphia Archdiocese were announced Jan. 13.