Local News

1,500 Philadelphia Catholics enjoy pilgrimage to ‘America’s Church’

Pilgrims from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia thrilled to the sights of the magnificent National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., and shared a day of prayers together last Saturday.

Young adults hear woman tell why she’s still a virgin

Arleen Spenceley spoke this month to about 70 young people with Generation Life about her experiences living a chaste life. She offered advice on how they can witness to chastity in society.

Speaker lays out Catholic environmental world view

At an Earth Day conference last week in Philadelphia, the head of Penn's Newman Center said Pope Francis' invitation to care for creation is "a call for a change of heart and a change of culture."

Vatican denies Bensalem parishioners’ appeal of 2014 merger

A decree from the Holy See confirmed the 2014 merger of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish with St. Thomas Aquinas Parish at its Croydon campus, Bucks County. St. Elizabeth Church is still used for Sunday Mass.

On eve of Passover, local Catholics extend prayers to Jews

Archbishop Charles Chaput sent greetings to the Jewish community in the Philadelphia region and hoped Passover would bring to Jews “renewed hope and spiritual vitality.”

Parish’s kids absorb lessons for confirmation, and buck wider trends

Children preparing to receive confirmation at St. Thomas More Parish, South Coventry, are taking the sacrament seriously, even as some of their older peers are drifting from the practice of their faith.

Archdiocesan priest named top CSS volunteer for work in Chester

Father Anthony Orth, pastor of St. Gabriel Parish in Norwood, offers his time to serve at the Coffee Club in Chester, a drop-in service for the homeless. He is one of 2,200 volunteers of Catholic Social Services.

Abortion alternative program honors Catholic agencies’ work

Catholic Social Services received two top awards from Real Alternatives, the state government-funded program that provides services to women facing unplanned crisis pregnancies.

At meeting, priests hear of call to show mercy in everyday life

Priests of the Philadelphia Archdiocese heard one of their own, Msgr. Thomas Mullin, present a talk on the Biblical foundations of mercy during a workshop for priests focusing on the Year of Mercy.

Say ‘hola’ to your newest fellow Catholics

Adults receiving their sacraments of initiation in the Philadelphia Archdiocese this Easter were mostly Hispanic, as well as Vietnamese. Parishes are gearing RCIA instruction to the families of children in religious education programs.