
Pope calls for end to horror, madness of war, on anniversary war in Ukraine

Six months to the day of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Pope Francis renewed his appeal for global peace, saying "the innocent pay for war."

Expulsions at the U.S.-Mexico border expulsions on target to break record

As of July, border agents had prevented migrants from entering the U.S. on more than 1.8 million occasions, with the Remain in Mexico and Title 42 policies likely contributing to that number.

Archdiocesan foster care worker knows need for parents firsthand

Iris Puhiera of Catholic Social Services will host an Aug. 24 webinar on becoming a foster parent for unaccompanied minors -- and having been in foster care prior to immigrating, she's "passionate about this work."

Nuns kidnapped in Nigeria released, says order

The Saviourite Sisters, abducted while traveling to Imo state for a thanksgiving liturgy, were released Aug. 23, according to the order's secretary general.

Federal judge rules CRS must pay health benefits for partner of gay employee

Catholic Relief Services, the U.S. bishops' humanitarian agency, has filed a "motion for partial reconsideration" against claims "incompatible with the fundamental right of religious freedom."

Foster parents needed for unaccompanied minors

Catholic Social Services is looking for caring individuals and families to help kids fleeing violence and poverty, with full details available through an Aug. 24 webinar.

Pilgrims walk ‘in the footsteps’ of Blessed Michael McGivney on feast day

Dozens gathered in New Haven, Connecticut for an Aug. 13 commemoration of the Knights of Columbus founder, a sainthood candidate whose legacy is more relevant than ever, say devotees.

Vandals target crisis pregnancy center in western Massachusetts

Bethlehem House was spray-painted with threats Aug. 18 by a group calling itself "Jane's Revenge," as part of a nationwide series of attacks on crisis pregnancy centers following the end of Roe v Wade.

In predawn raid, Nicaraguan police move bishop, others to Managua

After more than two weeks of house arrest, outspoken Bishop Rolando Álvarez was whisked from the Matagalpa Diocese's headquarters, amid a government crackdown on the Catholic Church.

In note to nuns, pope says he is doing everything he can for Ukraine

Responding to a message from Italian women religious helping Ukrainian refugees, Pope Francis said he is "doing all (he) can" as the world is "witnessing cruelty" due to Russia's brutal invasion of Ukraine.