
Pope to visit Canada, limiting participation to one hour at various events

Despite knee pain, Pope Francis will proceed with a planned trip to Canada July 24-29, visiting in particular Indigenous peoples and addressing the Catholic Church's role in colonization and residential schools.

Meeting looks at how families protect life, pray, connect generations

Families are "guardians of the sacredness of human life from the first moment of conception to natural death," said Cardinal Kevin J. Farrell as the World Meeting of Families opened in Rome June 23.

Vatican makes archives detailing aid to Jews available online

Nearly 40,000 digital files of requests for aid from Jewish people persecuted by Nazis will now be widely accessible to the public.

Pope: Catholic, Oriental Orthodox should look at more sacramental sharing

Pope Francis said June 23 dialogue over the decades has deepened "pastoral ecumenism" that "with the help of God, can mark a new step forward toward full communion."

Two Jesuits murdered defending person in Mexican parish

Fathers Javier Campos Morales and Joaquín César Mora Salazar were shot dead June 20 in Chihuahua state as they provided refuge to an individual fleeing a gunman.

Faithful ‘turn hands to hope’ feeding kids in Ukraine

Volunteers at St. Anne Ukrainian Catholic Church in Warrington prepared almost 170,000 meals for Ukrainian children facing hunger due to Russia's brutal invasion of their nation.

Pope offers prayers for victims of earthquake in Afghanistan

Following the June 22 disaster that has so far claimed 1,000 lives, Pope Francis prayed "the suffering of the dear Afghan people can be alleviated."

New report about YouTube shows kids exposed to derogatory videos

Research by a team from the University of Michigan showed ethnic and racial disparities exist in the videos YouTube's algorithm suggests or recommends to young children, tweens and teens.

U.S. Maronite bishop: ‘I’ve never seen Lebanon like this before’

With nearly 90% of that nation's population now living in poverty, "we need to save the Lebanese people," said Bishop A. Elias Zaidan in a June 21 interview.

Ukrainian Catholic University sets up scholarship for alum killed in war

Artemiy Dymyd, killed by mortar fire near Donetsk June 18, had worked to defend Ukrainian sovereignty since 2014, and will be remembered as a "hero who does not die."