
Cardinal Law, whose legacy was marred by sex abuse scandal, dies

Cardinal Bernard Law, who had been one of the most respected bishops until his legacy was blemished by the devastating sexual abuse of minors by priests in his Archdiocese of Boston, died Dec. 20 at age 86.

Popularity of Gregorian chant has flourished in recent years

St. John the Beloved Catholic Church in McLean, Virginia,, is unique in that the ancient sounds of Gregorian chant are deeply woven into its fabric, interlaced in every Mass, every choir and the education of the students in the parish school.

Effort to repeal Johnson Amendment dropped from tax reform bill

A regulation that bars nonprofits and houses of worship from making political endorsements remains on the books after it was dropped from the Republican tax reform bill.

Catholic leaders offer prayers for all affected by train derailment

At least three people were killed and dozens injured after the train derailed Dec. 18 while traveling on the first day of a new route outside Tacoma, careening off a bridge and onto a highway below.

Archbishop brings fellowship, ‘word of Jesus’ to Phila. prisoners

When Archbishop Charles Chaput visited the sprawling Curran-Fromhold prison Dec. 18, assured the inmates they are not forgotten. His message of hope was not lost on his grateful listeners.

Pope meets Jordan’s king amid rising tensions in Jerusalem

Pope Francis met with Jordan's King Abdullah II at the Vatican, two weeks after U.S. President Donald Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital provoked outrage in the Middle East.

Pope to visit hometown, shrine of St. Pio in March

He will arrive in Padre Pio's hometown early in the morning, pray in the little Chapel of the Stigmata in Piana Romana, a neighborhood just outside the town, and address a gathering of the townspeople before visiting the Capuchin community.

Pope puts founder of Rosary Crusade one step closer toward sainthood

Pope Francis advanced the sainthood causes of Holy Cross Father Patrick Peyton and St. John Paul II's mentor, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski.

For ‘Dreamers,’ U.S. is the only home they know

In response to Pope Francis' call for Catholics to "Share the Journey" of their lives with one another, the following stories relate the experiences and hopes of young Catholic immigrants who worship at St. Dominic Church in Springfield, Kentucky.

Knights give aid to churches still rebuilding, repairing after hurricanes

The Knights of Columbus announced it is committing $1.4 million to repair or help rebuild churches destroyed or badly damaged by the hurricanes that hit Texas, Florida and the U.S. Virgin Islands.