
Archbishop: Family ministry is giving more love to those most in need

Chicago Archbishop Blase J. Cupich told reporters that something his mother once said might give the Synod of Bishops a way to balance the need to affirm church teaching while reaching out to those who are struggling.

Infertility leads to sadness, and in Africa, divorce

Married couples need help in dealing with childlessness, which is "one of the major causes of divorce in Africa," said a Nigerian bishop at the Synod of Bishops on the family. The trauma "is beyond anything I can say."

Immigrants ‘need our loving response’ but sense hatred, St. Louis archbishop says

As Archbishop Robert Carlson listens to the national discussion on immigration, he said in a pastoral letter that he is "becoming increasingly concerned about the language and rhetoric of discrimination, hate and alienation."

Extreme poverty declining but much work remains, says Vatican rep at U.N.

The good news: the percentage of people living in extreme poverty will drop below 10 percent for the first time. But for many of those who have escaped it, "progress has been temporary and regression ... is even more painful," said the Vatican nuncio.

Confronting family issues, synod fathers focus on mercy, not changing doctrine

Members of the Synod of Bishops on the family summed up yesterday's sessions, which dealt with the rupture of families due to immigration, human trafficking and terrorism, and pastoral responses.

Planned Parenthood says it will no longer take payments for fetal tissue

The organization sought to discredit undercover videos that showed its officials describing the harvesting of fetal body parts during abortions, and fees for the tissues. It annually receives more than $500 million in public funds.

Synod calls for Bible-based presentation of God’s plan for family

As members of the Synod of Bishops concluded work on the second of three chapters in their working document, they continued to call for a tone and for language that is clear, simple and encourages people to see it is possible to live the vocation of marriage and family life.

Catholics urged to join campaign of prayer and fasting Oct. 16-24

The 23rd annual observance is a nine-day campaign for the conversion of people and nations, peace in the world, a renewed culture of life in the United States and a blessing on the Synod of Bishops on the family in Rome.

Role of women, diversity in unity among issues debated at synod

Several women participating in the Synod of Bishops on the family said they are encouraged that their views are not only respected but included in the discussions taking place.

Melkite archbishop urges British not to support militants in Syria

Greek Melkite Catholic Archbishop Jean-Clement Jeanbart of Aleppo said that for the past 60 years, Syria has strived to become a modern secular state. Western support for militants against Syrian President Bashar Assad would destroy all such progress.