
In foster families, time may be short but love is abundant

The sad truth is there are many children who are not born into a stable and loving family. The latest in our Faithful Families series looks at Catholic foster parents and the loving homes they provide for at-risk children, often for a limited period.

Pope declares Ukrainian church leader ‘venerable’

Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky, who led the Ukrainian Catholic Church through both world wars and the start of Soviet occupation, is on the first step to possible sainthood.

California governor says ‘Laudato Si” was necessary wake-up call

Politicians and business leaders think short term, which is why Pope Francis' encyclical letter on the environment was "essential" for pointing out the dangers of climate change, said California Gov. Jerry Brown.

Seeing struggles of people is key during papal visits, pope says

A good pastor always sees what people are going through, feels compassion and then nourishes them with God's Word, Pope Francis said at the Vatican after his trip to South America.

German cardinal says arson attacks on immigrant hostels ‘sow hatred’

The July 16 incident in the Bavarian town of Reichertshofen, is the latest in a wave of attacks against hostels for asylum seekers as anti-immigration sentiments rise in Germany in the face of unprecedented numbers of asylum applications.

Prayers and sympathy shared after Tennessee shootings

Catholics and others prayed at the Chattanooga basilica and at a nearby military base for the four U.S. Marines killed July 16, their assailant who was killed by police and three injured people.

Sisters, married to Christ, live as a family in cloisters

Nuns living a sequestered life of prayer among a small band of companions become a new family. We take a look at four communities in the Philadelphia Archdiocese, part of our Faithful Families series.

Latino families a rising presence in U.S. Catholic Church, study finds

More than half of young Catholic families identified themselves as Latino or Hispanic, a finding that may require new ways of ministering in the U.S. Catholic Church.

Love remains key to youth ministry, pope tells Salesians

Writing to members of the Salesian religious orders marking the 200th anniversary of the birth of St. John Bosco, the pope said, "The world has changed much in these two centuries, but the spirit of young people has not: young men and women still are open to life and to an encounter with God and with others."

Pope: Mining industry needs radical change to protect people, nature

The companies, the governments that are supposed to regulate them, investors and consumers who use the myriad products relying on mined material "are called to adopt behavior inspired by the fact that we are all part of one human family," the pope said.