
Pope will visit as ‘pastor,’ not ‘politician,’ says Washington cardinal

Pope Francis will make history during his visit to Washington in September, when he becomes the first pope to address a joint meeting of Congress and he says the first canonization Mass to be celebrated in the United States.

New focus for U.S. Buddhist-Catholic dialogue: social justice

This new, practical approach to interreligious dialogue marks a shift from the more traditional discussions aimed at mutual knowledge and understanding to a greater emphasis on planned collaboration for social projects.

Archdiocese and Catholic teachers’ union agree to new contract

The teachers ratified a new one-year deal June 25. Negotiators for the union and the archdiocese used a simplified process to reach an accord before September.

Public, private events highlight pope’s stay in Philadelphia

See the schedule of papal events in Philadelphia, released by the Holy See, for the two-day visit Sept. 26-27.

Pope’s visits to Cuba, U.S. to highlight families, charity, tolerance

Visiting both Cuba and the United States on the same trip not only acknowledges his role in encouraging detente between them, but will give Pope Francis an opportunity to demonstrate that while different political and cultural challenges face Catholics in both countries, the Gospel and its values are the same.

Texas Catholic Conference disappointed by court ruling on abortion law

The Supreme Court ruling prevents enforcement of the law until the fall when the high court will decide if the justices should hear an appeal from a lower court.

Papal summer: Benedict heads for hilltop villa, Francis trims schedule

Pope Francis will still hold his Angelus prayer and address every Sunday; however, there will be no Wednesday general audience for all of July, said Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, Vatican spokesman. The general audience will resume in August in the Vatican's solar-powered and air-conditioned Paul VI hall.

Pope cites growing trust among Jews and Christians

Jews and Catholics are "strangers no more, but friends, and brothers and sisters," thanks to dialogue since the Second Vatican Council, Pope Francis said today.

Block on Kansas law said to leave unborn ‘vulnerable to painful death’

A judge granted an injunction against the state law that would ban an abortion procedure that is commonly used during the second trimester of pregnancy.

Church as mother: Even when Catholics sin, she remains holy

Read this month’s reflection on the preparatory catechesis for the 2015 World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia, this month focusing on the nature and role of the church.