
‘Lt. Dan’ describes his faith journey, service to nation’s veterans

Actor Gary Sinise brought that knowing smile and everyman disposition from the movie screen to the Knights of Columbus convention in Orlando, where he spoke about his love for wounded veterans and a new collaboration between the Knights and his own charitable foundation.

Head of Network who launched ‘Nuns on the Bus’ tour to get peace award

Sister Simone Campbell, whose "Nuns on the Bus" tours for social and economic justice drew national attention, has been named recipient of the Pacem in Terris Peace and Freedom Award.

Indian novice affiliate rape story turns out to be hoax

Church officials have expressed embarrassment that a nationally publicized gang rape of a novice affiliate in southern Bangalore turned out to be hoax.

Pope to send envoy to Christians forced from their homes in Iraq

Given the "grave situation in Iraq," Pope Francis has asked Cardinal Fernando Filoni to travel to the region to meet church and government officials, but especially to meet Christians chased from their homes by militants of the Islamic State.

Aid official warns of growing humanitarian crisis in eastern Ukraine

The president of Caritas Ukraine called the destruction in eastern Ukraine "enormous" and said help was needed from the international community. Fighting continued between pro-Russia separatists and Ukrainian government forces in early August.

Serving up the Gospel at home and abroad

Tim Masterson loves his job bartending in Media, but his true vocation is using his spare time to help people in the poorest parts of the world. At his own expense he goes from B.V.M. Parish in Darby to Southeast Asia and Latin America, bringing his Catholic faith and his generosity.

‘Wounds of Christ’ can be seen in suffering of migrants, cardinal says

Boston Cardinal Sean P. O'Malley challenged all in attendance at the Knights of Columbus convention in Orlando to "connect the dots" between Christ and the suffering. He was one of several bishops who urged greater compassion for a flood of child immigrants to the U.S. who have arrived without a parent in recent months.

Lebanon’s Maronite bishops condemn Islamist incursions

Lebanon's Maronite Catholic bishops underscored their "full confidence" in the country's military and security forces as the Lebanese army battled Islamist militants' incursion into Lebanon near the border with Syria.

In El Salvador, Jesuit program offers alternatives to gangs, emigration

Jonathan Sandoval saw opportunity in a metalworking lathe.

With no pope in residence, Vatican opens gardens of summer villa

The aisle is paved with stone from an ancient Roman road; the apse is made of carefully trimmed evergreen bushes; the columns are tall, thin cypress trees; and the nave is a lily pond, complete with gold fish.