
Pilgrimage to Marian shrine set

Mark Oct. 15 on your calendar. In decades-old Philadelphia tradition, pilgrims from the Archdiocese once again will board buses for the annual (sometimes biannual) trip to Washington, D.C. and the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception — “America’s Church.”

Respect Life Mass and day for H.S. students honor the unborn

Respect Life Mass at Cathedral Basilica takes place Oct. 2 at 11 a.m. Archbishop Charles Chaput will meet with and commission young men and women “to build a culture of life in our time” at a High School Respect Life Leadership Day at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary Oct 13.

New seminary dean sees hope, renewal

  Kelly Bowring, the new dean of the Graduate School of Theology and Program of Catholic Studies at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Wynnewood, wants a return to orthodoxy in Catholic higher education. His recent book, “To Hold and Teach the Catholic Faith,” asserts that post-Vatican II witnessed the dilution, abandonment and in some cases […]

Seminary revamps graduate studies

St. Charles Borromeo Seminary has revised and renamed its religious studies program as part of renewed public interest in Catholic teachings and theology. Combining the academic rigor of accredited programs in theology with courses in ministry and catechesis, the program takes its inspiration from the “new evangelization” of the Church, which calls upon Catholics to […]

Wood cruises past the Prep, 42-7

It was only one moment, but it summed up the undisputable reality of what was occurring. Desmon Peoples, one of many terrific football players at Archbishop Wood High School, had busted loose and was headed toward the end zone with not a defender in sight. As he cradled the pigskin in his right hand, he […]

Bishops aim to mobilize Catholics to guard consciences on contraception

The U.S. bishops are working to mobilize Catholics across the country to tell the Obama administration that contraception and sterilization do not constitute preventive care for women and must not be mandated as part of health reform. Through a new website at, the bishops hope to generate thousands of comments to the Department of Health and Human Services about its Aug. 1 proposal that would require nearly all employers to provide sterilization and all FDA-approved contraceptives, including some that can cause an abortion, at no cost to women covered by their health insurance plans.

CALL document answers Pope’s call to make societies, economies more just

A group of U.S. Catholic Latino business leaders presented Vatican officials detailed reflections on how laypeople can fulfill Pope Benedict XVI's call to make today's societies and economies more just.

Fight against federal law will undermine marriage, says Archbishop Dolan

New York Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan, president of the U.S. bishops' conference, told President Barack Obama in a Sept. 20 letter that his administration's fight against the Defense of Marriage Act will undermine marriage and create a serious breach of church-state relations.

Catholic, other groups mourn executions of Georgia, Texas inmates

Catholic and other groups mourned the executions Sept. 21 of Troy Davis in Georgia and of Lawrence Brewer in Texas.

In land of Martin Luther, Pope prays for Christian unity

Visiting the land of Martin Luther, Pope Benedict XVI prayed for Christian unity and told Lutheran leaders that both secularization and Christian fundamentalism pose challenges to ecumenism today. "God is increasingly being driven out of our society, and the history of revelation that Scripture recounts to us seems locked into an ever remote past. Are we to yield to the pressure of secularization and become modern by watering down the faith?" the Pope said in a meeting Sept. 23 with 15 representatives of the German Evangelical Church Council.