
No shame in mental illness

By Elizabeth FisherSpecial to The CS&T Most people don’t think of mental illness unless it screams from a headline, such as when a young man with a “history of mental illness” tries to kill a congresswoman in Tucson, Ariz., shoots 18 other people, killing six of them. Or, there’s a successful but troubled actor whose […]

Drought, supply, conflict drive prices

By Dennis SadowskiCatholic News Service WASHINGTON – Prices for basic foods such as sugar, cereals and edible oils were at or near record highs worldwide in February, according to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization. The organization’s Food Price Index for February showed that prices – except for rice – are higher than they were […]

Don’t be scared of confession, say priests

By Christie L. ChicoineCS&T Staff Writer Cardinal Justin Rigali is asking the pastors of the Archdiocese’s 268 parishes to provide the sacrament of reconciliation each Wednesday of Lent from 7 to 8 p.m. And he is inviting parishioners to partake of the penitential opportunity. The Archdiocese’s Office for Worship has provided, through the archdiocesan web […]

Pope calls for aid to civilians in Libya

By Carol GlatzCatholic News Service VATICAN CITY – As fighting between rebels and government forces in Libya intensified, Pope Benedict XVI called for aid and assistance to civilians caught in the conflict. “Recent clashes have caused many deaths and an increasing humanitarian crisis” in Libya, the Pope said after praying the Angelus with pilgrims gathered […]

Father James Murphy, a former CS&T assistant editor, dies at 92

A complete obituary will appear in the March 17 print edition of The Catholic Standard and Times. Father James J. Murphy, pastor emeritus of St. Bridget Parish in the East Falls section of Philadelphia and a former assistant editor of The Catholic Standard and Times, died Monday, March 7, 2011 at St. Francis Country House […]

St. Bernadette, St. Andrew tops in CYO play

John KnebelsSports Columnist Upon first inspection, some might have thought they had mistakenly entered a Bon Jovi concert. The music was loud, the people were yelling. Many of the ones seated had to stand because those who had nowhere to sit were straining to find a good place to see the floor. But alas, it […]

CYO coach retires after 40 faithful years

John KnebelsSports Columnist In Frank Capra’s holiday classic “It’s a Wonderful Life,” heroic character George Bailey is given a remarkable gift – the chance to see what the world would have been like had he never been born. Like actor Jimmy Stewart’s famous alter ego, if Tom Flaherty had never been born, innumerable people would […]

Medical reasons prevent SJU’s president-elect from assuming office

PHILADELPHIA – St. Joseph’s University announced March 10 that Jesuit Father Joseph O’Keefe, S.J., will be unable to assume the presidency of the university after a routine medical examination revealed some serious medical issues.St. Joseph’s board of trustees elected Father O’Keefe as St. Joseph’s 27th president earlier this year, on Jan. 24, following a nationwide […]

Parade grand marshal: Honoring St. Patrick

By Sister Kathleen Leary, S.S.J.Special to The CS&T “Every day is a gift from God” for Sister James Anne, I.H.M., who considered it a special gift when she was unanimously voted to be the grand marshal for Philadelphia, 2011 St. Patrick’s Day parade. Only the third woman to hold this honor, she explained the theme […]

Vatican condemns murder of Pakistani minister for minorities

By Sara Angle, Catholic News Service Click here to see a video of Bhatti speaking about his stance against Pakistan’s blasphemy law and his faith in Jesus Christ. Editor’s note: The Feb. 17 issue of the CS&T included a story written when Shabaz Bhatti visited Ottawa Feb. 7. In it Pakistan’s minister for minorities said […]