
Continuous commitment to the Church

By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T Joe Briscella’s parents knew what they were doing when they gave him his baptismal name. Like his great patron saint, Joe is really a behind-the-scenes guy. Think of him as an ordinary man who does extraordinary things. “I don’t like things to be about myself,” he said. “I’m a […]

Sister’s travels pave way for her vocation

By Sister Kathleen Leary, S.S.J.Special to The CS&T For Sister Christine Ma, M.S.B.T., to live the charism of the Missionary Sisters of the Blessed Trinity, “Preservation of the Faith,” is to carry on her mother’s legacy. Born, married and beginning a family in mainland China, where the practice of religion was not permitted, her mother, […]

Siblings’ support vital for seminarians

By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T It’s pretty much a given that the presidents of the fan clubs for priests and future priests are usually their moms. Let’s face it, entering a seminary is a life-altering experience, and the mostly young men who do this need as much home support as they can get. That […]

Pope calls for peace, religious freedom

World Day of Peace message By Carol GlatzCatholic News Service VATICAN CITY – Opening 2011 with a strong call for religious liberty, Pope Benedict XVI condemned deadly attacks against Christians and announced a new interfaith meeting next fall in Assisi, Italy. At a Mass Jan. 1 marking the World Day of Peace and a blessing […]

Church made memorable news in nation and world

Local Catholic news stands out in 2010In 2010, pope faced tough challenges inside and outside the church JANUARY Haiti quake precipitates calls for prayer, rapid and generous relief effortsPope Benedict XVI prayed for victims of a massive earthquake in Haiti and urged the international community to provide generous assistance to the stricken population of the […]

Local Catholic news stands out in 2010

Church made memorable news in nation and worldIn 2010, pope faced tough challenges inside and outside the church JANUARY Cardinal Justin Rigali commemorated the 150th anniversary of the death of St. John Neumann with a special Mass at the National Shrine Jan. 5. Cardinal Rigali asked all Catholics of the Archdiocese to join him in […]

Ivy League senior will attend Seminary

More information about National Vocation Awareness Week By Christie L. ChicoineCS&T Staff Writer PHILADELPHIA – Eric Banecker of Epiphany of Our Lord Parish in South Philadelphia received an early Christmas present this past December. The 21-year-old, presently a senior at the University of Pennsylvania, was informed that he has been accepted to St. Charles Borromeo […]

What is the Mass?

A concise answer to this question is found in the fifth “Luminous Mystery” of the Rosary proposed by Pope John Paul II: “The institution of the Eucharist as the sacramental expression of the Paschal Mystery.” At the Last Supper, the night before He died, offering Himself to the Father for our salvation, Jesus instituted the […]

Msgr. Beach named delegate for stewardship

By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T Msgr. Francis W. Beach, who was recently appointed as the Cardinal’s delegate for Stewardship and Development pro-tem, in addition to his current duties as pastor of SS. Simon and Jude Parish in West Chester, knows that it is going to be a challenging task but is looking forward to […]

Holy & human: Philadelphia’s saintly bishop

By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T Last Jan. 10 Catholic Philadelphia celebrated the 150th anniversary of the death and birth into new heavenly life of St. John Neumann, fourth Bishop of Philadelphia. This coming March 28 will see another milestone – the 200th anniversary of his birth into earthly life in Prachatitz, Bohemia, and on […]