
St. Joe’s Prep wins first PCL soccer title

John KnebelsSports Columnist Mike Johnson graduated from St. Joseph’s Preparatory School in 2002. Like any faithful alum, he continues to root for his alma mater. Last Wednesday morning he was told that the night before, Nov. 2, the Prep, in its 16th attempt, finally won the Catholic League soccer championship. The Hawks had defeated Archbishop […]

Retired? No way

By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T Grey Nun of the Sacred Heart Sister Mary Finnick at 77 is supposed to be retired, but don’t you believe it. Certainly, the folks in Port Au Prince, Haiti, know better. That’s where she was on Jan. 12, when the disastrous earthquake killed 300,000 Haitians. She was running Matthew […]

Inspaniduals, art need transcendent values to be complete, Pope says By Carol Glatz

Web ExclusiveCatholic News Service BARCELONA, Spain (CNS) – Pope Benedict XVI warned countries of the danger of no longer being at the loving service of their citizens as he urged the faithful to bring Christ’s message of hope to all people. During a two-day journey to a once-staunchly Catholic Spain, the Pope sought to bolster […]

Vatican confirms request of five Anglican bishops to join church

Web ExclusiveBy Sarah Delaney Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Five Anglican bishops have decided to join the Catholic Church and step down from their current positions with the Church of England, a Vatican spokesman said. Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, director of the Vatican press office, confirmed to reporters a statement issued Nov. 8 […]

Panel at St. Joseph’s U. to study Church’s future

By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T Less than a century ago who could have possibly predicted the tremendous changes that have since taken place in the Catholic Church? There are vernacular Masses, greater emphasis on ecumenism and interfaith relations, re-establishment of the permanent diaconate and a greater role for the laity, just to name a […]

St. Thomas More still a leader of Catholic lawyers, politicians

To read the Bishops’ statement, click here. By Elizabeth FisherSpecial to The CS&T The Pennsylvania Catholic Bishops issued a statement on Sunday commemorating the 10th anniversary of Pope John Paul II’s proclamation of St. Thomas More as patron saint of statesmen, politicians and lawyers. The bishops’ statement reaffirmed the significance of the revered 16th century […]

Learn about prayers, rites, preparation for death

By Christie L. ChicoineCS&T Staff Writer November is the month of the Holy Souls. An array of stories related to the subjects of dying, death and resurrection – and the Church’s teachings – appear in this issue of The Catholic Standard and Times and are scheduled for subsequent issues. According to “Pastoral Care of the […]

In loving memory

New document offers norms for cremation By Christie L. ChicoineCS&T Staff Writer PHILADELPHIA – Although the Church prefers the remains of the deceased be buried – after the manner of the entombment of Jesus – cremation is universally permitted. In the Philadelphia Archdiocese, all cremations must be conducted in accord with norms promulgated by the […]

Castro joins church leaders as Cuba opens first seminary in 50 years

Special for the Web By Catholic News Service HAVANA (CNS) — In a ceremony joined by President Raul Castro, Cuba’s Catholic bishops inaugurated the San Carlos and San Ambrosio Seminary Nov. 3, the country’s first major church-related construction in the half century since the revolution led by Fidel Castro. Joined by Cuba’s bishops and representatives […]

Eat up?

Industrial farming puts stress on land, water, developing nations, Catholic panelists say By Mark PattisonCatholic News Service WASHINGTON (CNS) – The growing adoption of U.S.-style industrial farming practices worldwide puts too much stress on the planet and deceives people into thinking that the world will be able to keep feeding a growing population, currently 6.8 […]