Photo features
Distinguished graduates of Catholic schools receive awards
The four who received the Archdiocese of Philadelphia's Distinguished Graduate Awards March 27 were Bishop Joseph P. McFadden (posthumously), Brian Zwaan, Immaculate Heart Sister Helen Rapine and Eileen Hansen.
Delegation makes the case for Philadelphia in Rome
See our photo gallery of the delegation from Pennsylvania meeting with church officials in Rome to plan for the 2015 World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia.
St. Francis Xavier Church mobbed by faithful young Catholics
Mass Mob, based on the fun concept of a flash mob, filled the Fairmount church for a Mass on Sunday, March 23 -- see our photo gallery by Sarah Webb.
Mass for healing celebrated at Cathedral
See our photo gallery of Archbishop Charles Chaput celebrating a healing Mass for victims of clergy sexual abuse Saturday, March 22.
Paintings of noted artists, including Eakins, to be sold by seminary
See some of the paintings that St. Charles Borromeo Seminary intends to sell for the benefit of the seminary's mission to form men for the priesthood and diaconate, and all Catholics for service in the church.
Man Up Philly
The sixth annual Man Up Philly men's spirituality conference drew a large crowd of enthusiastic Catholic men sharing their faith, praying together and spending friendly time together Saturday, March 15 at St. Joseph's University.
See the sights of St. Patrick’s Day Mass and parade
The celebration of St. Patrick's Day began in the most fitting way Saturday, March 15 with Mass at St. Patrick Church in center city Philadelphia. Archbishop Charles Chaput was the main celebrant, joined by many archdiocesan priests of proud Irish heritage. Shortly afterward, the St. Patrick's Day Parade stepped off in fine fashion along the nearby Benjamin Franklin Parkway. It featured floats, dancers, bagpipers and other musicians, plus many people lining the road who shared in all the fun. (Photos by Sarah Webb)
Rite of Election celebrates closer steps into the church
Almost 700 people from 135 parishes in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia are preparing to enter full communion with the Catholic Church this Easter. Archbishop Charles Chaput met and encouraged them in the Rite of Election held at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul, Philadelphia, March 8-9.
St. Norbert parishioners raise voices in Festival of Praise
The Paoli parish hosted its evening service of music and eucharistic adoration March 7 for about 200 people and welcomed Archbishop Charles Chaput as a guest.
Press conference outlines plans for 2015 World Meeting of Families
A press conference at the Philadelphia Archdiocese's pastoral center March 7 revealed plans, and much excitement, for the World Meeting of Families to be held Sept. 22-27, 2015 in Philadelphia. While Pope Francis' visit for the meeting is not confirmed, speakers at the press conference and hopeful guests were planning for the visit just the same. (Photos by Sarah Webb)