Photo features

Archbishop leads pilgrimage to National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception

Faithful joined Archbishop Nelson Pérez for an Oct. 15 pilgrimage to Washington, D.C. that honored Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament.

Immaculata University welcomes Archbishop Pérez

On Oct. 18, Archbishop Nelson Pérez joined the student community of the Chester County university for an evening of faith and fellowship.

Gianna Center of Philadelphia hosts inaugural Mother-Daughter Tea

On Oct. 16, the Gianna Center of Philadelphia hosted its inaugural Mother-Daughter Tea at St. Helena Parish in Blue Bell for moms and their daughters to learn more about the gift of fertility.

Archbishop Pérez celebrates centennial anniversary of St. George Greek Orthodox Cathedral

The special occasion marked the historic centennial anniversary of St. George Cathedral and Orthodoxy in the City of Philadelphia and the Greater Delaware Valley.

Archbishop Pérez leads delegation to meet Pope Francis

Archbishop Pérez recently joined a delegation of 13 pilgrims from the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM) on a trip to Rome to meet the pope and share messages of hope.

Project Magis hosts 4th annual award reception

Project Magis is a networking group of legal and financial services professionals dedicated to helping others in the local community by supporting the Catholic Charities Appeal of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.

Malvern Retreat House bestows annual award upon four honorees

For the 10th year, Malvern Retreat House awarded its St. Joseph the Worker Medal to four honorees during an Oct. 6 ceremony.

Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary hosts open house at new location

Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary hosted an open house at its new location in Gwynedd Valley on Saturday, October 8 and Sunday, October 9.

Archbishop Pérez celebrates high school Pro-Life Mass

On Oct. 6, Archbishop Pérez celebrated Mass at Cardinal O’Hara High School for 200 students from Archdiocesan and private Catholic secondary schools throughout the five-county region attending the Fall Respect Life Rally.

Seven men take next step to permanent diaconate

Auxiliary Bishop Timothy Senior, chancellor of Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary, conferred the rite of candidacy on seven men Oct. 3 in Immaculate Conception Chapel at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Wynnewood.