
Lent is a time for a little less hypocrisy, pope says

Lent is a time to ask for God's grace to chip away at hypocrisy, which is seen in the natural human attempt to appear "worthier than we are," Pope Francis said.

Repentance leads us toward Jesus’ call to greatness

Lent is a time of renewal which begins with our turning from sin in humility, reflects Msgr. Joseph Prior. Our Lenten discipline -- literally, learning -- teaches us to place God at the center of our lives.

Readings of the Holy Mass – First Sunday of Lent

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition. Reflect on this Sunday's Scriptures with our commentaries and podcasts.

On Bryce Harper and Lent

The newest Phillies' star will earn millions because fans support the team. As the seasons of both Lent and baseball begin, Gina Christian reflects on what and whom we value. Ultimately, we're all playing on the same team.

Practice of memento mori — considering one’s death — revived for Lent

The Lenten devotional was designed to help others meditate on the moments of their lives and ultimately remember our Christian hope in the Resurrection -- made possible through Christ's victory over sin and death.

Five ways to a more meaningful Lent

Lent is a time to return to the Lord wholeheartedly through prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Read about five ways

Journey through Lent with CatholicPhilly.com

Our package of resources, devotions and other aids to prayer, fasting and charitable giving aims to deepen your Lenten pilgrimage with the church throughout these 40 days.

Pray the Liturgy of the Hours this Lent

The continuous prayer of the church, offered throughout the day, provides a way for all the faithful -- clerical, religious and lay -- to make each moment holy. Use this helpful digital format.

Journey to the cross begins at Ash Wednesday

With the beginning of Lent March 6, our 40-day journey to Christ's passion recognizes not only those historical events but also real moments in our own lives of faith. Go deeper into the call to "Repent, and believe in the Gospel."

Ash Wednesday: A kick-start to holiness

One shouldn’t just give up a sin for Lent, we should give up sins for life. Prayer, fasting and almsgiving can help us move beyond the removal of sin and into a more intimate relationship with God.