
Four ways to be more attentive this Advent

“Be watchful!” and “Be alert!” are two commands often heard by Catholics during Advent. How can we “be alert” for the coming of Christ when we are inundated with alerts on our phones? One priest tells how.

Reading the Advent season through nature

Advent is a season charged with excitement and beauty, immensely rich with imagery that conveys the power of the natural world through its liturgies. Watch for ways that nature can deepen your experience of this season of waiting.

In times of trouble, hold fast to God, Capuchin tells pope

When storm clouds gather and the Catholic Church is tossed by the scandalous behavior of some of its members, Catholics must repeat what St. Francis of Assisi repeated: "God is and that suffices," the preacher of the papal household told Pope Francis and his aides.

Faith and vigilance prepare us for Christ’s coming

The kingdom of God that Jesus came to establish may seem distant in a world filled with sin and suffering, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior. Yet hopeful waiting helps us to withstand life's storms.

Readings of the Holy Mass – Second Sunday of Advent

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Pondering life’s end, whenever it comes

Appreciating the simple pleasures of life and paying attention to the people in our lives are two ways that Msgr. Joseph Corley ponders his mortality and stays centered on Christ, who is coming.

A life built on trust in God is built on solid ground, pope says

Christians are not people of faith in name only, Pope Francis said; they trust in God, base their lives on his truth and seek to act on the teachings of Jesus.

Church must catch up and serve needs of single parents

Throughout the country a number of parishes and dioceses are offering support programs to single parents, even if such support has been slow in coming, writes Father Ken Doyle in his weekly Q&A.

Wait for the Lord — and on him, in service to others at Advent

Advent is about waiting in an impatient culture, writes Gina Christian. Our acts of kindness and patience, listening to our brothers and sisters, and our prayers, help us to recognize the time of Jesus' visitation.

Advent is time of vigilance and prayer, pope says

Christians can turn Christmas into a "pagan" or "mundane" holiday by focusing on the gifts and the tree rather than on the birth of Jesus and his promise to come again, Pope Francis said.