
All heaven in a hazelnut

Across six centuries, the solitary Englishwoman Julian of Norwich noted the contrast between her troubled world and Christ’s constant reassurance that “all shall be well,” which remains a lesson for today, writes Gina Christian.

How often do you have to go to confession?

Father Kenneth Doyle advises a reader on church teaching about the sacrament of reconciliation, which offers a true path to spiritual healing and health. Father Doyle also counsels a second reader who cannot understand her parish priest due to his heavy accent.

People unwilling to be challenged by God’s mercy will grumble, pope says

The sin of grumbling and complaining is often triggered by a desire to avoid being challenged or upset by seeing Christ's unexpected mercy at work, Pope Francis said.

When times are hard, change your mindset and trust God

Guest columnist Patti Lamb describes how to navigate the "faith valleys" of life -- dark places where God seems far away, or even absent. By looking beyond our circumstances, and keeping our eyes on the Lord who holds the future, we can find peace and purpose.

Readings of the Holy Mass – Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Love of God and neighbor builds a kingdom for all

Jesus calls us to a concrete way of life that is completely centered on God, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior. In loving the Lord with all our being, we are able to love others and invite them to recognize the divine King.

Lord of the dance leads us to listen more deeply

A popular video game and dance craze remind Gina Christian how we often miss the beat when we disagree with each other. By listening and asking the right questions, we can regain our balance.

Single Catholics feel shut out by the church

Father Ken Doyle couldn't agree more with a reader who wonders why parishes don't pray for single people, or assume they have "no other obligations." They deserve regular mention in the public prayers of the church.

Vietnamese priest knows rosary is lifeline for migrants on the run

Vincentian Father Michael Nguyen tells how his mother sent him on the ocean with 53 boat people, along with a rosary. Both then and now in America, he prays the rosary often to know and to trust in God.

Building up the body of Christ through ecumenism

Efforts to unite Christians across denominations have deep historical and theological roots. In this set of articles from our partner Catholic News Service, we survey ecumenism over the past century, and look at pastoral strategies for gathering the body of Christ into one.