
Missing – and hitting – the mark on baptism

Gina Christian, a descendant of coal miners, continues to break into the inexhaustible seam of riches that is baptism, a lifelong source of grace that the world needs now more than ever.

Jesus is the lasting treasure we ultimately seek

What we value in life reveals our deepest desires and priorities, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior. By following Christ, we discover the path to true life and eternal joy.

Readings of the Holy Mass – Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Devil destroys overtly or slyly by pretending to be a friend, pope says

The devil is more dangerous when he is polite and friendly, persuading people to be "lukewarm" and worldly, than when he shows his true face and blatantly pushes people to sin, Pope Francis said.

Could Judas be forgiven his suicide?

Father Ken Doyle answers a reader's question about what became of Judas -- was he forgiven for betraying Christ? It's conceivable, but the priest does not like Judas' chances.

Letter to a clerical abuse survivor

Sexual abuse survivor Gina Christian urges victims to place Christ, rather than others, at the center of their healing process. The Lord alone can bring one back from the dead.

That ‘old-time religion’ marches on, because it works

This month and next, Catholics are praying in the tried-and-true ways of the rosary, Forty Hours devotion and the Prayer to St. Michael. Father Thomas Dailey hopes we pray these spiritual exercises for the good of all.

What happened to ember days?

A writer calls for the return of four sets of days in the year that the church had set aside for the faithful to do penance, fast and pray for priests. The days have been optional in the church since 1969.

Marriage, a gift from God, blesses us all

When lived authentically, married love becomes a great witness to the love that God has for his people, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior.

Readings of the Holy Mass – Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.